Chapter 13

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Inks pov
"Are you sure about this?"
Gin, the sides and I were with Thomas who had promised to look after the kids while we were all going to get Stain and Moonless back.
"Thomas, it'll be fine". I sighed as all the sides' children hugged their parents goodbye. "We will, however, be careful so don't worry".
After we had gotten Thomas to stop worrying that much we all bid our farewells and left.
Ready or not old friends, here I come~

Nightmares pov
I took a deep breath, trying not to snap at my brother ,who was looking at the floor like he wanted to sink into it.
"Explain to me Dream, because i'm having some trouble wrapping my head around this, why the actual fuck would you tell my kids that they can't leave and see Ink? Do you not see how upset they are? Or are you blind as well as stupid?" I said scathingly, backing him up until Error teleported between us and pushed me back, glaring angrily.
"He's your brother Nightmare, your fucking brother!" Error snapped, holding Dream close to him. "Are you serio-"
"And they're my fucking kids Error. MY KIDS". I shouted furiously "I-"
"STOP!!" Cross shouted and everyone fell silent, turning to look at him. "Did you not hear that?"
"Hear wha-"
Reaper got cut off as a loud crash sounded from upstairs, making us all freeze in shock. As if on cue, all of the others' children ran into the room and to their parents, the youngest ones had tears in their eyes.
"That". Cross whispered, looking up with a slightly fearful look in his eyes and clutching his son protectively. "What are we going to do?"

Inks pov
We all turned to glare at Roman who, while trying to get through the window, ended up managing to smash it.
"Congratulations your majesty" Virgil mock bowed, voice heavily laced with sarcasm "what happened to royalty being graceful?"
Roman scowled at him, his face going red as he replied.
"Well... I tripped, yeah, I tripped". Roman said firmly.
"And it was just a coincidence that you 'tripped' while Emile was in front of you?" Virgil smirked as Romans face got redder and redder.
"Just leave him alone". Emile sighed as we all laughed at his expression.
"Whatever..." Roman mumbled, cuddling close to Emile who hugged him back.
Our laughing soon came to an abrupt end as we all heard muttering coming from downstairs.
"Is everyone ready?" As I looked around at them all, Remy stepped forwards and rested his hands on my shoulders.
"Babes, I think the real question is, are you okay?" He asked. I looked into his concerned eyes, the eyes of one of the people that I had known since childhood and was close to, and I knew I couldn't lie to him.
"Honestly? I feel like shit" I sighed, looking away from him, from them all "but, believe me, i'll feel a shit-ton better once I get my kids away from those shitty, mother fucking bastards". There was silence for a few seconds before Remus spoke up.
"You cursed so fucking much just now, you know that Inky?"
"Of all the things you could have said?" Deceit looked at Remus with amusement.
"Well," Remy said, cutting off Remus' retort, "it's a good thing we've made that our top priority". He smiled down at me and I returned it happily.
"Now" I looked around the room at all of my friends, all of the people that had supported me, had been there for me. "Is everyone ready?"

Nightmares pov
"Well, well, well..." We all turned to the doorway where we all saw an unusual looking man. The thing about this man that looked unusual was the fact that one side of his face was covered in scales and one of his eyes was a bright yellow-green colour. "Look at what we got here! The 'bad sanses' and the 'star sanses'... the names are quite stupid if you ask me".
"Who are you and what the fuck are you doing in my house?" I snarled, pulling both my kids behind me.
The gesture didn't go unnoticed.
"Aw, how cute!" The man mocked and with a small smirk he snapped his fingers and I felt myself get pulled up into the air. Upon looking down I realised that the only people that hadn't been pulled up were the kids. My kids.

FUCKING FINALLY!!! Now I can sleep. I hope your guys enjoy the chapters! I just want to say that i'm running on no sleep so please tell me if I made any mistakes, I checked it but, like I said, I didn't fucking sleep. I also want to apologise for the delay, my family was celebrating Eid, I hope everyone that celebrated Eid had a good one (I sure didn't)!
See you soon guys, gals and non-binary pals!

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