Chapter 10

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Nightmares pov

They both look a lot like me, i can't believe i didn't notice...

Dust and Horror had just brought back mine and Inks kids, Dust holding my daughter and Horror my son.

"Be careful with them!" I snapped at the two and a few seconds later the two of them had left and my children were laying on my bed. I went to go and tell the others about the kids when I heard a voice from behind me.

"So you're our father". I turned to see my son was sitting upright and staring at me with a curious look.

"He told you?" I asked and he quickly shook his head.

"We overheard him so he didn't really had a choice but to tell us" He paused for a second "Moonless is a lot like you y'know. She's my sister" he explained at my confused look "my name's Stain and i'm older-"

"By 1 minute. 1. Minute." Moonless had woken up and was glaring at her brother, I chuckled at their antics. Poor Ink.

"Please don't be angry at dad". Stain whispered and Moonless nodded in agreement.

"He was worried and scared and thought you might not... y'know..." Moonless trailed off, looking down at her hands.

"I'm not angry at him, i'm a bit upset and I just want to know why he did it". I replied softly. You raised two amazing kids Inky, I wish you told me that you felt that way... that you were scared...

"Papa? Are you okay?" I froze, looking at them in shock.

"What did you just call me?"

"Papa, why?" I felt myself start to tear up and quickly rubbed my eyes. A second later I felt the two of them hugging me.

"We love you papa!" They both said.

"I love you too".

Inks pov

"Kids, i'm home!" I hollered, the house was strangely silent. "K-kids?" I called nervously "This isn't funny, come here!" I yelled.


They're gone. They. Are. Gone. I dropped to the ground, tears running down my face and onto the ground rapidly.

"Hey In- what happened?!" The voice yelled, I felt two arms wrap around me and I looked up to see two of my best friends.

"Ink, tell us what happened". Deceit said conernedly, he looked furious "Who did this?"

"Kiddo, you can tell us what happened!" Patton, Deceit's husband, said trying to sound cheerful but failing.

"They're gone. Moonless and Stain are gone." I dropped my head in my hands, trying to hold back another onslaught of tears. Deceit gently took my hand and pulled me up onto my feet, Patton then wiped away the tears that had escaped. "We'll find them. No matter what it takes".

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