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'Hmm...I didn't see this coming.'

'Apologies if you find my question to be inappropriate, but I want to know more about you as a person. Your dreams, your passion, your life...everything.'

'Umm...come here,' Rob offered his hand to Alina. She went to him and he held her palm firmly. He tried to put an arm around her waist.

'Al, when I started my acting career, I was around 16-17, and after the initial few years, I was on cloud nine, my movies were doing good and I was getting recognition but wasn't sure how to handle it. Suddenly, I felt that people around me, my friends do not understand this world. And I don't know, because of my age or people around me, I felt I needed someone who understands me, with whom I can talk, who is elite to walk around with me. Sometimes, I felt I was superior enough to change the world around me.'

'Hmm, I can understand, the need for social proof and validation is at its heights in teenage.'

 'Exactly, and back then, during shoots, my name started to be linked with my co-stars which were not entirely untrue. You see, during shooting, I started spending time with her and felt that she is the one who understands me and I could confide in her and because we were working together, we were traveling around the world together, attending press conferences, award ceremonies together. Everything was good, life was perfect. But my initial fame and success were followed by a period of lull. And just like everything, she also left. You see, a failed actor boyfriend isn't what an actress wants. So my first relationship was a failure.'

'So was mine,' she kept her voice low but was it enough for him to hear.

'And I thought my world is lost. I took a break, gave enough thought to everything. It was the time I changed my career track, I tried to hone my skill. But one thing changed completely, love ceased to exist for me, I started fooling around for fun, hooking up with anyone and everyone. Did I tell you that Zoe and I dated for a few years?'

'No, you didn't,' she felt disgusted at herself, though he had never mentioned, she knew it from Zoe and God knows what sort of things she thought about Rob.

'I think we broke up last year. We were completely different people. But that's who I was, being around people just for fun.'

Alina looked into Rob's eyes longingly, still holding his hand.

'Are you still the same person?'

'I was, until a few months back, something has changed me. Now that you know about all the girls I have been with, do you still wanna be friends with me?' Rob struggled to speak, choking on his own words.

'Yeah, I think  I will hang around a bit more,' and she pulled him closer. Rob snuggled onto her.

'Do you have some stories about your relationships?'

'I already told you one and I don't want to remember it ever.'

Rob leaned and kissed her forehead, 'we won't talk about it, ever.'

'Hmm,' she rested her head on his shoulder and they both stayed there, without uttering a single word, embracing each other.'

'Was he the only guy you've ever been with?'


'Okay, I don't think I want to hear anything further.'

'Now, I feel hungry, will cook something quickly.'

She continued shooting multiple questions from the kitchen, 'is there anything you like? Something you're passionate about...?'

'Yeah! I love music,' Rob replied with childish enthusiasm. 'I learned to play guitar, piano and it's something which gives me peace.'

'Woah! This is news to me. Would you bless me with the honor of witnessing your art?'

'I would love to.'

'And what about your parents? And are you still waiting for someone special in your life?

'Don't go around that darker area sweetie, will save it for some other time,' he replied with a clenched jaw.

Alina sensed the change in his expression, 'you know I am there with you, right? You can even fight with me anytime you want.'

'I know, and I am grateful to have found you. I may not be rushing into things at the moment, but I intend to never let you go.' There was diligence in his voice.

'What is he hinting at? He really likes me?' she was elated by Rob's sudden confession.

'And needless to mention, I would be staying here tonight, tomorrow, the day after...basically the entire duration I am at home. 

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