Chapter 3: Digging Up Misery

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Anyone in the universe could testify that sitting through meetings absolutely sucked. Except, these specific pack meetings just happened to be fifteen degrees worse than any others.

"What's even the point of having a pack meeting if we don't get to do anything?" Taehyung grumbled, laying his head against the oak desk of the library.

"Who says we don't?"

"We always have to cross check things with Jaebeom." The omega further pointed out his unhappiness. Seokjin sighed.

"It's on me, Taehyung-ah. I'm sorry." Seokjin turned towards the source of the voice, his mate, standing half covered by the door.

"I'm sorry that I can't do anything about it right now." The trueblood entered, coming to take a seat beside their vice chief, Hoseok. A brief glance was directed towards their eldest, eyes meeting for a fleeting second, the exchange done within a moment.

"How are Jaebeom's actions your fault, Namjoon-ah?"

"I'm helpless, to start off."

Audible sighs left all of them, everyone fully aware of their boundaries and limitations. There wasn't much they could do about the obvious power abuse by the ex-chief's husband. This fact was the root of all the problems in the first place.

The Silver Shadow pack wasn't one for conflict, so they chose to remain silent for the time being. The reason being the inevitable chaos and probable bloodshed any rash decision right now might cause. Ever since the death of Namjoon's father, their former chief- Jaebom, Chief Kim's second chance mate, Namjoon's step-father, wrecked chaos in their once divine pack.

"And he's my step-dad, Yoongi-hyung."

"Exactly. You don't share his blood."

Hoseok sucked in a breath feeling Jimin go still beside him. They knew exactly what the elder had implied, and the meaning reached the targeted person as it had to them. The beta remained silent, unmoving. But Hoseok had seen him grow up since he was a pup and the slump of his shoulders gave away the obvious hurt the younger one had felt.

"Yoongi, that's enough." Seokjin reprimanded, upset at the downturn of events. While he hadn't initially sat here thinking things will go particularly miraculous, this was just too much.

Every day the tension between them all just increased. Their once solace was slowly turning to hell to sit through. The weight of blames, accusations, assumptions, resentment and desperation hung in the air heavily, almost suffocating them. It was becoming impossible to have their team under the same roof within four walls without at least one person's sentiments being hurt. And Seokjin was the one forbidden from his mate; how funny.

"Why are we trying to hurt our own people?"

"I didn't say anything."

"Don't act dumb with me. None of us are stupid enough to ignore what you actually intended."

"We're ignoring a lot of things. What's one more, hyung?"


"No wait, let me talk. Since you all think I'm being irrational." He cut of the eldest. "His father is the reason our family is in pieces. None of us, absolutely none of us, have a semblance of inner peace left."

"Yoongi hyung, that doesn't justify blaming Jimin in any way." Taehyung defended his best friend. "How are you sitting here blaming your mate for everything? How is that fair?"

"I DIDN'T FUCKING DECIDE TO BE MATES WITH HIM, DID I?!" He finally snapped, standing up and knocking over his chair in the process. Unlike the rest of them though, Jimin didn't flinch. He just watched calmly- more calmly than would be considered normal. One might think it was for the fact that the beta was used to the lack of acceptance from his mate- that might even be true at this point.

"Yoongi hyung, you're crossing the line, now." Hoseok interrupted, visibly agitated. "There is a limit to rudeness."

Yoongi scoffed sarcastically, "I'm not an angel like you are, Hoseok-ah. I wasn't in the past, I won't be in the future. I'm just showing you the reality. One of these days, we will regret letting him in with our team."

"Hyung, this is your mate!"


Everyone fell silent, the sight of tears in the alpha's eyes a sight barely ever seen. The drops fell, his eyes turning bloodshot and flashing, indicating his resentment and pain.

"I am not kind enough to let that go. He is blood of the man who took away all that was left of my birth family from me."

Taehyung hugged Yoongi silently, releasing pheromones to calm down the agitated shifters in the chamber. The elder one turned away from them all, burying his face in the omega's shoulder, sobbing silently.

"He is your brother, but he is also my mate, hyung." Hoseok sighed anguished, "And we're still bonded, but I haven't felt anything from him in years."

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