Chapter 1

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Hi there I'm y/n. I'm a 17 year old girl. But yeah rn I am currently walking to my school. I walk in and felt somebody push me. I look up and see the one and only Mattia Polibio. Yup Mattia Polibio is my bully. Him and Kairi and Alejandro where next to him laughing at me. I look up at them and roll my eyes. I get up and start heading to class.

I hate this class because I have this class with mr Polibio. Anyways I was early then all the other students in my class. I was sitting down at my seat listening to music. Until I see Mattia walking in and sat behind me. Yup he sits behind me. I started listening to music again until he threw my airpods on the floor. I got up and picked them up and looked at him and gave him a glare and rolled my eyes. Then I went back to my seat and waited till lunch.

It was lunch and I wasn't hungry yet but me and my best friend Amelia where talking in the yard. We were talking about a party and if we were gonna go or not. We kept talking for 5 more minutes when somebody like pushed me with there shoulder. And I lost my balance and almost fell but caught myself. I then hear Amelia say "Watch where your going jerk"
I looked at her confused.

"Who was that?" I said giving her a weird look
"It was Mattia" she said
I sighed
"What's his problem?" She said
"He's always pushing you and being a bully and shit" she said angrily
"Like you didn't do anything to him" she said continuing
"Amelia it's ok I'm fine what matters is that gradation is soon and we won't see him or deal with him again" I said
" yeah i guess your right" she said

|| after school ||

I walked to my house as always. I then got a text that Amelia is coming over with an outfit for me and she's getting ready at my place. I replied with ok.
I was watching tiktok and found Mattias tiktok. I started laughing because of how stupid he looks. I then swipe right to see his page and he has 5M followers. Damn Polibio is pretty famous. I then got Interrupted by somebody knocking on the door. I go downstairs and open it to see Amelia with a dress on and an outfit and shoes in her hands. I'm guessing that's for me.

I let her in and she started doing her makeup and I took a shower and put my dress on and heels. I quickly did my hair and straighten it. I then let Amelia do my makeup because she was winning because she wanted to do it. She was done and the makeup looked good on me and so did the dress.

The heels are the same color as the dress

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The heels are the same color as the dress. And it was a lot showing like 👁💧👄💧👁.
We then get in her car and on the way there she started to tell me how she got us fake IDS just in case and I started bursting out with laughter.
We then got there and there was a lot of people.
Minutes later we got drunk.

My bully is the father of my kid Where stories live. Discover now