Chapter 8

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||Mattias POV||

I got to the DNA place and texted y/n the address so she can come over here. I was waiting in one of the chairs at the waiting room waiting for her. I then hear the door open and I look up and see y/n and Ethan.

Mattia: ready?
Y/n: umm yeah
We then started walking to the front desk
Lady: yes
Mattia: appointment for mattia
Lady: oh yes yes I will get somebody to come get you guys in a sec
Y/n: mattia i really hope your wrong
Mattia: I'm sure I am right

||y/n POV||

2 hours later

We were still waiting in the waiting room. Mattia on his phone and Ethan watching spong bob on my phone. I was watching it with him because why not. 🙄

Lady: are you mattia Polibio?
Mattia: yes
Lady: well we got the results and it looks like it's positive

I then quickly turn to mattia in shock. Wtf 𝑚𝑦 𝑏𝑢𝑙𝑙𝑦 𝑖𝑠 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑓𝑎𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑑 𝑜𝑓 𝑚𝑦 𝑘𝑖𝑑?
I then look up at mattia again and see him staring at me with a smirk....

Lady: well I will leave you guys alone bye
The lady then left leaving us three alone
Mattia: well I'm never wrong
Y/n: your not taking my child
Mattia: think you mean out child princess
Y/n: i been through enough pain caused by you and the last thing I want is you taking my child away from me
Mattia: I'll meet you back at the house

Soon mattia left and Ethan kept watching sponge bob. I couldn't believe he's the father. So that means at the party we did it. I then look at Ethan and take the phone.

Ethan: mama why did you take it away
Y/n: we are gonna go home now ok
Ethan: ok

||at home||

When I was gonna open the door I heard like yelling so i open the door to see Mrs.Polibio and Mattia arguing I think?

Y/n: did I interrupt something?
Mattia: no but I told her
Y/n: oh umm-
Mrs: omg y/n don't worry I won't let him take your son
Y/n: oh it's ok I'm not planning for him to take him away from me
Mrs: oh and mattia go to the photo shoot I got it for you so you can take pictures in there new clothes that they made and they want you to try them out and take photos in them they said you will look great in those clothes
Mattia: great..
Mrs: bye guys
Y/n: bye
Mattia: bye mom

It was just me and mattia. Ethan went running to my room when we got to the house.
Mattia: so umm ima go
Y/n: ok bye
I said walking to my room
I then saw Ethan passed out on the bed dang he must be tired.

||mattia POV||

I was getting ready just fixing my hair a bit until I got a text from my mom.


Matti I got a question

Don't say that Ethan is your son ok

                                                                  And why is that?

Because I had made a deal to jennas
parents and said that you will marry
there daughter in the future and they
want Jenna to marry you now. But you
Can cheat on her idc just don't let her
Find out but as long as your married to
Jenna your good.

                                   Mom I told you that bitch is crazy
                             and plus she's my ex I wouldn't want
                              to marry her probably got some                                              Disease or something
Matti language!
And she's going to take pictures
With you so deal with it mattia end
Of discussion.

(Yall I love Jenna i Stan her so don't come at me 😩🤞🏽she literally so hot )

There was no way I'm reading that right. Hell no.
Jenna omg she's so she's something else.
She so crazy and psycho and that's not all when we had sex for the first time in the relationship she fucking bites with her teeth when she's sucking on me. She's a fucking shark biting on this dick. And when she rides me omg she wiggles like a fucking stick. Tf Jenna do it right.

But y/n when I did it with her at that party man she was so good. I couldn't believe it if only I could have another chance to do it with her. It's been like what 3-4 years since. I'm the father of her child can you believe that. But the way her body is omg it's amazing perfect round boobs hour glass body and a big ass. Damn. Wtf I'm a saying.

I then checked my phone and it was almost time to take photos. So I quickly ran outside and got in my car and drove off. In matter of time I got there just on time I still got 3 minutes to change into the clothes they made for me. I told the lady and she passed me some clothes. It was a white hoodie and some sweats? Anyways I got changed and went to the photo shoot area and there she was...

Jenna: oh hey mattia
Mattia: Jenna..
Jenna: no hey Jenna how you been or hey Jenna you look good or hey Jenna I missed you so much
Mattia: yeah no anyways let's just take this stupid as photo so I can get tf out of here.
Jenna: wow you don't miss me do you?
Mattia: no not at all
Jenna: why not baby
Mattia: just stfu please
Jenna: anything for you ;)
Mattia: eww..
I whispered to myself

Camera man= Cm
Cm: ok ok mattia and Jenna get ready ok
Mattia: yeah yeah
Cm: ok so mattia sit on that stool and look at the camra ok
Mattia: mhm

He took some photos from different angles

||45 minutes later||

I then got changed into my clothes and fixed my hair a bit and got out and went to my car and started driving off.

I got home and went in y/n room. She wasn't there so I just waited there.

||5 minutes later||

||y/n POV||
I got home and Ethan was passed out on his car seat. We had went with Amelia to get some food and hang around at the beach. I then went over to ethans side and opened the door and got Ethan out of his car seat and started to head inside. And I laid Ethan on the couch of the living room because I was gonna get my charger from the room.I got to my room and opened it and then I looked up and saw mattia.

Y/n: how long have you been in my room?
Mattia: about 5 minutes umm where's Ethan?
Y/n: asleep why?
Mattia: I wanna spend time with him yk like father and son-
Y/n: no I don't trust you around him
Mattia: y/n he's my child too you know
I sighed
Y/n: fine but don't do some dumb shit like always
Mattia: thank you

Then mattia came and hugged me?
I then started to get butterflies. I looked up at him and he pulled back and then we locked eye contact. We then both started to lean in...

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