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A/N: Thank you so much for the love and support you all have showered upon me and on this book. We are now so close to 10k. Wow! It's so hard to believe. Also there are comments like it's going to end just like every bully stories, I am sorry readers but it won't. Yes it won't. As I said, this book is different and it is. Give it a chance before heading towards it's end without any further information.

Tove Campbell

How could he think I can stoop so low to have sex with someone who isn't my mate. Not that I care but what will happen when Felix's mate will get to know that we were fuck buddies before being her mate. I am not that heartless that I will use others just for the mere satisfaction of my lower region.

I sighed in content after drinking the bitter liquid given by Amy. "Now what will you do with him?" I shrugged in response, I don't care what he thinks or does.

"Create the magic spell where he feels the pain and I will order Felix to not come out from his room no matter what. Also give me the potion of the relief." I grumbled staggering as I walked towards the bed.

I quickly sent mind link to Felix and sighed. Amy placed the glass of potion and I drank it at one go. I made a face of puke, yuck it's smell is equal to poop.

"Will your love story be just like others?" I looked at her and laughed.

"Never I am going to use him like he did. Bully isn't a love story Amy. It's a physical assault. I had it mentally and emotionally. Will you love your rapist?"

She shook her head "That's what I thought. You can't love someone who broke you into million pieces. He broke me along with the rest of others and I will be damned if I don't complete my revenge."

"And how will you do?" I crossed my arms and smirked at her.

"Spell. Make him believe that I am fucking Felix, get him the vision. You and I both know what you are good at."  She smirked and bow down. She rushed towards her chamber to do her further process while I sit down with a sob that broke down the dam the created.

Elena begs me to rush towards my mate but how can I? How can I love him when he himself were the first to break me. I wept my tears making more to flow down.

If I cry am I weak?

'No Tove you are strong.' I smiled listening to my wolf, my other half, the strong one that is capable of tearing a flesh and many more.

I am not a white fucking wolf, I am a black wolf, the cursed one. My wolf knows how powerful she is, maybe Sawyer too knows it that's why he is acting so lovey-dovey mate. I scoffed at the thought of him making love to me instead he will please his beast not me.

The pain subsided and I sighed in relief even though I know this time not even the potion will save me. The closeness we made is clearly making my wolf feel at edge. I rushed towards the bathroom and stripped naked.

I scrubbed harshly to distract myself. My skin burned red but I didn't stop doing it. I scrubbed until I knew there were no pleasantary smell of my mate.

Shall I give him a chance?

I laughed at thought, chance and him. My foot in cow dung.

After four hours I received a message from Sawyer who told me no one is around the territory not even him.

I sighed blocking his whimpering and sound. I knew he will feel the pain and I am happy but kind of sad not to witness it.

I pulled a book of werewolf story and in the middle threw it away, I sighed same shit. The girl getting pregnant and runs out and after a few years her mate arrives and hey they loved happily ever after. What kind of shit is that? Like I wasted my life to become stronger not to fall in embrace of my mate which will never happen in lifetime.

I rotated my neck and sighed. The heat is again arriving. I walked towards the hall and to the dungeon where the weapons are kept. I pulled one rope and hit it on the floor which made a smack sound.

I sighed in approval. With that I walked towards my room. One harsh hit landed on my back making me scream but I controlled. Again and again I did it to let my wolf put focus in healing me not in mating.

The door burst open and I looked at Sawyer who was breathing heavily, along with Amy whose eyes widen at my blood battered body.

"I need a distraction so I did this." I mumbled. Sawyer looked at me with disbelief.

"Really? Ask me to mate and I will do it yet I controlled the pain when you mated to your Beta." He spat out making me internally smirk.

"You are my bully."

"Was. I was your bully that doesn't mean that I won't change and I did change for you."

"Get out." I barked but when he st of rooted his spot I growled at him. My wolf didn't like the disrespect offered to her. My nails elongated into claws and I scratched across his chest making me cry.

"Fucking respect us mate or not." My eyes glowed from normal to pitch black. Both me and my wolf snarled at him.

"Amy come with me." I ordered her and she quickly followed me.

I shift myself into my wolf and ran. The thorns pained my back but I didn't slow instead I paced my run faster reaching to the end of my territory. I paused when an awful smell hit my nose.

My wolf turned around alarmed forgetting the pain she is suffering. She growled threatingly and I quickly changed back into my naked glory. The silhouette of the person arrived in front of me.

I smirked looking at the outsider and spoke with venom laced with my words "Mother."


What do you think will happen next?
I am so scared and excited about the upcoming chapters.
And a small warning: This will be a short story which may/may not end within 20chapters.
However clutch your seat as we roar to the next chapter.


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