07| Trouvé son compagnon

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Trouvé son compagnon translation Found his mate.

I am quite disappoint that you all didn't write who's POV you all want in the next chapter for which I have to wait and wait and wait. So kindly do write in the comment section if you need a fast update. (Oh kindly rectify the mistakes in this chapter, if you want to)

Tove Campbell

My eyes flutter open but due to the immense amount of light I close them and slowly open them adjusting my eyes at the amount of light. I groan when a sudden pain erupt at my stomach. I slide apart the blanket lifting up my top to see the wound which is now wrap around bandage. My eyes roam around the white room and the smell letting me know that I am in a clinic. I sigh but my eyes wide knowing that it's not mine.

I land my feet on the floor and the coldness of the floor makes me jerk back and again down. I walk out of the room thinking who put me here? The last location of mine was in the battlefield but how come I am here and that too in an unknown clinic.

Suddenly my feet stops at the garden. How come a garden is here? Why Do I feel I am in some stupid dream? Or I am not. I shuffle my hair in agony and sigh and walk towards the garden. My state is now totally vulnerable and I don't know where I am. I rub my arms and the flow of air breathes every inch of mine floating my hair back and I smile at the nature who is talking with me.

If it's the last part of mine I want to die happily. Can I? After the pain and agony I suffered from my pack for decades and can I accept my mate who is the reason why I run away? And the answer is Big Fat No.

'No? Tove do you know that the unmate wolves die fast than the mate ones. Our life span will be cut short and we may die anytime. Don't be selfish Tove think about me and the pack who is now a family to you now.'

Whatever you say is right and I think I should mate but I am tired Elena I am tired of the continuous hammering of pain done by them. I am tired Elena I am tired.

With that a tear drop from my eyes and I sob. Not even two years I cried but I guess every strong people has a broken soul that they need to fix and so am I.

Struggling in my world I didn't get to know that someone is behind me.

"Why did you leave me?" The voice dip in rich and chocolate voice says while my back hair rise up sending shivers down my spine.


I turn back and find the biggest nightmare of my life standing there with dishevell messy hair and bags under his eyes, nose scrunch up and lips part while his expression is what makes me happy yet sad and that is, broken.

I broke him and a part of mine feels guilty of what have I done to him? While the other part is happy to find content that he got what I need him to get.

I laugh humouresly and say "Who is talking to me? Woo let me see, woah my dear mate, Sawyer Wachowski the Alpha of RedMoon Pack wow I want to purr but let me tell you I can't mate with my bully so there is a huge NO and you can leave me and to answer your stupid question, give a glance at the punishment you have given me for years and expect me to not leave you. Stupid."

Within seconds he is in front of me and my breath hitch at the close proximity between us. "My mate died two years ago and then you left. What shall I say huh? Moon Goddess gave me one more chance to cherish my love and I will do whatever to cherish the love even though I beg or force you to mate me."

I push him cause I can't think properly with his wood smell close to mine, I spat at him "That was me bastard, I was the one who was your mate for the past two and half years. Elena is my wolf name but let me guess you thought it's someone, idiot it was me." With that I laugh at his surprise face.

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