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anonymous asked:

"Just once in my life I want someone to tell me that sex isn't something you absolutely need. Like you can live a wholesome life and be a virgin because all I know is how great it is and how weird you are if you don't constantly crave it. But idk, it's just not something that interests me and I feel like a freak."

se7enteenblack answered:

"Plenty of people are asexual :) do some research on people who identity asexual. it's completely normal and nothing is wrong with you. Some people are heterosexual, bisexual, homosexual, pansexual, some people are asexual but still crave affectionate relationships. Just not sex. It's normal. Sex isn't essential to living. Companionship is essential to being a human. However. Companionship can be between friends, family, lovers, partners, anyone. You're fine you're great you're amazing."

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