The Reluctant Medium

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(This is an old story that I have dug out of the archives and am adding to my upcoming anthology that will be available in print by early March.  It's an interesting idea, though admittedly not one of my more exciting stories.  But it's kinda cute and sweet.  At least it has a cute ending.  I hope you enjoy it.  Let me know.  Let me know if you hate it, too.  Thanks!  -SJM)

The Reluctant Medium

 Eric sat at the front desk patiently waiting for his day to begin.  The hotel was a decent place to work if it were not for all the dead people. 

The major was the first to come down to the lobby that morning.  Eric shook his head mournfully as he watched the major approaching.  He knew what the major would want, and it was such a nuisance to have to explain things.  It was only one of the things he hated about the being able to see dead.

Eric set his paper down and readied himself for the same conversation he had been through so many times before.  He could try to ignore the major and pretend not to see him like every one else in the world, but Eric was never good at keeping that up for long.  Newly dead became so irritating because they took so long to realize that they had died.

“Excuse me, young man,” the major said as he stood at the desk.

Eric sighed.  He looked past the major and saw a car pulling up into the parking lot.

“I seem to be missing my luggage,” the major explained.  "It was in my room when I took my nap yesterday, though I must have slept through the night.  And when I awoke this morning I found that my luggage has been taken from my room with out my permission.  I am here to give a speech at the local women's league this afternoon and I just can’t go wearing the same clothing I did when I arrived here yesterday.  So I would appreciate it if you could locate my things at once."

Eric waited patiently as the major finished his speech, but by that time a young couple was entering the lobby through the front doors.  “I’ll be with you in a minute,” Eric said softly as he looked past the major to the young man and woman.

“Excuse me?” the major said in surprise.  He was not used to disrespect.  He could not believe he had been brushed aside for a young couple when he was first at the desk and had a legitimate complaint.  “I will not be pushed aside like this,” he finally blurted out.  “I have been robbed in my sleep at your hotel, and I want your full attention immediately in this matter.  They can be the one who wait a moment.”

Eric tried as best he could to ignore the major as he checked in the young couple.

The major grew more irritated that he was being ignored after being brushed aside.  “Excuse me.  Excuse me!  I will be sure to speak to the authorities about your manner of handling my situation.”  The major turned his attention to the young couple.  “I would leave this hotel now if I were you.  I was robbed in my sleep while staying in this very hotel, and do you see how this ingrate has ignored me.  There was a lovely hotel only a few miles down the way I would suggest you stay at.  I know that I will never stay here again."

The young couple did not hear him as he ranted.

“I can not believe this," the major continued.  “This is an outrage.  I’ll call the police at once.  Give me the phone so I can call.”

Eric handed the couple their key and explained where their room was to be found.  The couple then took their few bags and went into the elevator.  They were a honeymoon couple, and Eric figured they would spend most of their time in that room.  

Once the elevator doors closed, Eric turned his attention back to the major.

“I am sorry about that,” Eric said to the infuriated major.  "But there is a perfectly good explanation as to why your luggage in not in the room.”

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