Jason White is a young twenty nine year old professional wrestler and that he is an older brother to the switchblade Jay White, and together the brothers have dominated Japan either as tag team champions or holding single gold, but when Jason contra...
Once the show comes back from the break, we can see the prince of anarchy was somewhere in the back and as the camera points to him too a loud mix of cheers and boos. As we could see Jason sitting on a crate with his eyes closed and ear buds in his ears listing to some music as of relaxation, before he felts a tap on his shoulder. And when the camera crew moves to the side we could hear the crowd gave another mix reaction, because as the prince of anarchy open his blue eyes, he could see the goddess herself Alexa Bliss giving Jason a look of interest
Alexa : " You know that was quite impressive what you've did to the phenomenal one AJ Styles, out there earlier this evening. "
Narrowing his eyes to her Jason let's her continue as he remains quite
Alexa : " You see Prince of Anarchy~, I'm a goddess and you know when there's a prince, a queen must have a king by her side. And I think I've just found my king. "
Alexa replies with a devious smirk as we could hear the crowd of montreal, gave a few wolf whistles when she places her hand onto Jason stomach tracing her hands over his abs while bitten her lip, before looking back towards Jason who was not bothered by her actions
Alexa : " Also next week on Smackdown, Mr White I'm going to be hosting a moment of bliss and was wondering if you would like to be apart of the show, for next week. "
Thinking over it for a few minutes wondering if he should go or not, he just slightly nods his head too her as the crowd gave a nice reaction to it, and that Alexa forms a wide smile on her face
Alexa : " Great! Now here's my card it's has my number you know, if you want to ever go onto the details for the show next week. "
She says a bit shyly while giving him her number, and as Jason gave it a once over before he puts it into his pocket
Alexa : " Ok then I'm guessing you're not much of a talker is that it? "
Jason just gave her a head nod confirming that he was not much cooperative, because Jason mostly likes to keep to himself around new people and doesn't talk that much not unless it was his brother Jay or his family and friends, because behind his toughness he was actually a shy and quiet person never one too get into a conversation with someone else that wasn't his family or friends.
Alexa : " It's okay I'm not bothered by it Mr Anarchy, you see I think it's adorable that a tough looking guy like yourself, is shy now I'm going to leave you for your match since it's will take place in a few moments. Good luck Jason. ~'
Just before she leaves Alexa kissed his cheek, to a huge reaction from the live crowd who was watching as they gave slight laughs at Jason expression because he was taken aback by her actions, and try to hide the blush that was forming on his face as he watches her leave, before closing his eyes again sighing to himself as the camera crew cuts for the break.
Time Skip
Now we could see the phenomenal one AJ Styles, with a look of determination as he was glaring at the stage awaiting for the vengeful one to arrive. Because he was out for payback for what happened earlier today, and then just as the lights went out and a sound of a switchblade echoes throughout the arena the crowd begins to raise, as the lights turned into a dark red as the Prince of Anarchy music begins to play to a huge mix reaction as he steps through the curtains making his way down towards the ring
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