Jason White is a young twenty nine year old professional wrestler and that he is an older brother to the switchblade Jay White, and together the brothers have dominated Japan either as tag team champions or holding single gold, but when Jason contra...
It's been a few days since Jason White made his long awaited debut on Smackdown, and of course he was meet with some criticism from fans saying that he was a coward, for attacking a defenseless AJ Styles before the match. And having help by a distraction and personally Jason could care less what the fans think about him. Because the only reason he ever signed up for this company was so he could become a champion, and create chaos along his path of destruction, because he was never was into begin a fan favorite too people and he doesn't gives a crap about popularity for that matter, he does what he wants and if sees something he doesn't like if it's good or bad he will put a stop to it, no matter the consequences behind the results of what comes after it.
So now we could see the vengeful one himself making his way inside of the building too get ready for tonight, because he was supposed to be in a match against some guy named Seth Rollins for tonight main event. But as he was he could hear a women's voice that sounds like the person was frustrated about something, as he could see a female standing next to her car as she was trying to get it open as it seems that she left her keys inside of it
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Sighing to himself he walks over to the beautiful blonde, and asked her if she needs help to get her keys from inside of her vehicle.
Jason : " Excuse me Ms, but do you need help with something? "
Sighing in relief the beautiful women turns around too face Jason, as she had a smile of gratitude towards the prince of anarchy.
Charlotte : " Yes thank you, you see I've accidentally left my keys in my car and I needed them to get my bag from my truck, and I've asked a few people but they just said they 'had better things too do' god I hate those people. "
Jason : " Same here Ma'am, now let's have a look shall we? I think I still can do this kind of thing. "
Soon Jason takes out a tiny switchblade from his pocket, and as Charlotte gives him a small smile for helping her he puts it into the key hole until he heard a clicking sound, and opens it while handing Charlotte her keys as she takes them with a smile on her face
Charlotte : " Wow thanks I really appreciate this, I should give you something in return? "
Jason : " It's no problem Ms, I was being a gentleman by helping you get your keys back you don't need to give me anything. "
Giving Jason a look over, the queen forms a small smile as she reached an gently places a soft kiss onto his cheeks , while Jason was standing stun by her actions
Charlotte : " There now and by the way my names Charlotte Flair the daughter of the two time Hall of famer Ric Flair. It's a pleasure to meet you. "