Part 13 - rex dies

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"How's your eggplant?" Tori asks beck

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"How's your eggplant?" Tori asks beck

"It's fine. How's your spaghetti?" Beck asks

"I hate you." Tori says after dramatically throwing her fork into her plate.

"Why?" Beck asks

"I'm not having spaghetti! I'm having spaghettini!" Tori says very heated

"What's the difference?" Beck asks

"Spaghettini is a very thin noodle! Spaghetti is a relatively fat noodle! We've been over this!" Tori says

"I forgot." Beck says

"I mean why did we even take a pasta class together?" Tori says and Beck slams is hand on the table.

"And done." Sikowitz says

"We're done?" Beck asks

"But we still have a few minutes lines." Tori says

"No I meant this is done." Sikowitz says

"What is that?" Andre asks

"Well, it was a jar of cream, but now that I've shaken it vigorously for an hour, it's butter." Sikowitz tells us

"You make your own butter?" Jade asks

"Indeed." He confirms.

"Is it good?" Robbie asks

"I don't know. I refuse to eat dairy." He says and drops the jar into the bin. "Tori, Beck, take your seats." Sikowitz says and they come down. Beck comes over to sit next to me. 

"All right, for the last few minutes of class, let's talk about the one act play in directing." Sikowitz says smirking and tapping his fingers in his folder.

"Well?" Andre asks after a long silence.

"Well what?" Sikowitz asks

"You wanna talk about the one act play your directing?" Andre asks

"All right." Sikowitz says. "Fist of all, I wanna thank you all for auditioning. The two lead roles will be played by... Andre and Robbie" sikowitz announces

"Cool." Andre says

"Hot beef." Robbie says and I sigh.

"Oh, would anyone else like to be my guardian?" Rex asks

"Did any of the rest of us get parts?" Cat asks

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