Chapter 1

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Ok, Hi guys. I mentioned somewhere that this is my favourite story so far. No joke. I love this plot way too much. So here is the first chapter. I was too lazy to type it because it was on my phone. So I copy pasted it and emailed it to myself. 10 points intelligance... for those who don't know who Dan and Phil are, there is a picture and a video on the side :) 

My name is Allison Webby. I'm 19 years old and I currently live in London England. I grew up in Glasgow, but I was born in Birmingham. As soon as I turned 18, I moved to London to study film. In a nutshell, I have long-ish red hair and bright green eyes. I'm quite pale, but luckily I'm the type of pale where my veins don't show. I have always loved being behind a camera. And my only friend Lizzy loves being in front of the cameras. She has short brown hair and warm brown eyes, unlike me, she is a bit short. But we are almost exactly alike, that must've been what made us so close when I was new to Glasgow. Together, we were the school geeks, nerd, what ever you'd like to call it. And I always had a problem with picking the wrong guys. I was always cheated on. Therefore, I was done with love and Lizzy and I moved to London. Together we have big dreams, I want to be a famous director, and Lizzy wants to be a famous actress. And eventually, we would love to work together on a movie.

I have to admit, being the nerd in school sucked. It's not like I was picked on or anything. It's just that everyone treated you like a walking textbook, and used you for answers. Hence every single damn boyfriend I ever had.

Same goes with Lizzy. Not to sound vain or anything, but we were both pretty, it's not like we had headgear, used nasal spray, or always snorted. Nobody picked on us because not even a fourth of the school knew who we were. We both graduated with top grades, actually we both passed with the same average, 98.8%. Our principal thought we copied off each other, but that’s quite impossible if you sit across the room from each other. We found it quite funny that they split the scholarship. It's not like they had to, all our money was pooled together for our big move.

I held up my camera to focus on Lizzy, we always did this, make videos and short movies. We always considered posting to YouTube, but we were always too scared of getting hate, maybe one day though. Lizzy was dressed in period wear (old clothes, like 1600's) acting as Juliette from Romeo and Juliette, except instead of using old language, she was speaking with a terrible guetto accent. It all fit so terribly that it was hilarious. "Aw man, yo, I like love you man homie!!!" she hollered "shit why don’t you see this shit, man!" it was extremely hard not to laugh. Lizzy pretended to faint but then started doing the worm on the carpet, then quickly stood up doing some dance she saw on 'Fresh Prince of Bel Air' earlier

"annnnnd CUT!" I called out. We both burst out laughing, to the point where we were on the floor clutching our stomachs. Eventually,  I put my camera down and walked to the kitchen "I'm going to make a cuppa to go, you want one?" I asked Lizzy

"Yeah, I'll need one before my audition" She struck and awful pose. Riiight, that was today. Lizzy was auditioning for a small movie role this afternoon. It wasn’t much but it's everything to a starting actress. When the tea was done, I handed a go cup to her and she ran out the door. "WAIT!" I yelled. She ran back inside


"Clothes" I stated, trying not to laugh. She looked down to realise she was still wearing her period wear.

"Damn!" she laughed and ran to change. A little while later she came back wearing dark wash skinnies, a purple blouse and a grey cardigan.

 "Thanks!" she called as she grabbed her tea and ran out the door again.

"Good luck!" I yelled to her. Our neighbors probably hate us. Lizzy was such a talented actress, she was going to get the part, or an even bigger one. I packed up my school bag, my camera, grabbed my tea, and my white pea coat and I walked out our shared flat, not forgetting to lock the door. I had a film class in just over half an hour. I skipped our extremely slow elevator and took the stairs. By the time I got to the bottom of the stairs, I was almost passed out on the floor. Every single time. I really need to hit the gym. I finished my tea just in time to hail a cab. I hopped in "London University College" I told the cabbie. The cab took off and I looked through the pictures and videos on my camera.

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