Chapter 5-Goodb-

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I unbuckled my belt to my jeans so i would have space to do the bad things i was about to do.
I would consume my love into tiny little pieces until it was inside of me.All of it!We would be reunited at once, before i would have to move on.It would be tough but i'm sure it would understand.Whilst the Garlic Bread was placed into my mouth, I sobbed but smiled knowing what i was doing was real bad, but it was too good to stop.I couldn't let it finish it was the best Garlic Bread i had ever had in my entire life.And i only get one!

In one whole second all i could feel was guilt ,although my love told me not to and to go on with my life after.But how couldn't if of.I have to eat the love of my.And it hurts that i enjoyed it.Every second if it was torture but filled with deliciousness.No one could ever know.

Up until the last bite i was forced to say goodbye to my loved one who i was killing in just a second.
"I'll never forget you, you were the best i ever had."I said sobbing.

"Goodby-."It tried to say before it was a while nothing in my stomach.


(I feel no remorse, it was delicious)!

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