Chapter 3

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I wake up in a panting and shaking mess. Images flood through my mind like they did in the dream. I take a few deep breathes trying to calm myself. I look around and there was no sun that I admired only the moon which I frowned upon.

I keep replaying the horrid dream in my head. I fumble out of bed to get a glass of water hoping that it will calm me down and I can sleep peacefully for once. I walk down the wooden stairs of the house and with each step I take I hear the floor squeak. Chills run down my spine while I take a sip of the water. I know I am sick I just can not face it to my parents. I am hurt by the people who once loved me. Every memory is now just a hunted passed. I also know my parents are only trying to help but for once can they not see the little girl who once was a firing ball of fun is now just fuel slowly burning out. I lay on my bed and lay my head in my pillow and cry once more. I can feel the lump rising in my throat and I run to the bathroom and open the toilet seat and before i know it the little amount of water I had just consumed was gone. This repeated nearly two times. Running to the bathroom getting sick. Only if my parents knew who bad I was. My fuel just slowly running out. Feeling dizzy and light headed I lay down on my bed to see if sleep will come. Unfortunately I toss and turn through the night.

The sun peeks through my black curtains. I stand up to be relived that it is morning. I never really liked the night I guess I was always afraid.

I pad over to the desk that I have owned for years and yank my phone off of its charger. I quickly ring up Emma as she answers on the third ring.

"Are you okay?" She asked worry clear in her voice.

"Yeah." I yawned while speaking further.

"Anyways do you want to get some coffee or go to the park?" I asked.

"I would love too. Can you meet me at the park near one then we can walk to the coffee shop."

"That sounds great." I smiled and ended the call.

I rarely ever smile now days. I think to myself as I grab a towel placing it on the chair in my bathroom.

When the warm water hits my skin I jump of the burn. However I did not turn it to cold. I washed my hair and my body and quickly got out. I walk over to my closet and pull out some sweat pants with a hoddie and then applied light make up.

As I open the window I hear a faint knock. I close the window and unlock the door.

"Your dad and I are going out and I expect you to be home when we arrive." She announces. I just hum a yes to her and shut the door and with that I climbed out of the window and walked to the park.

Like any other day here in my hometown it was raining not to much only a slight drizzle.

"Someone does not look happy." I hear his voice. My stomach drops and I suddenly feel weak and sick. This is not happening I think.

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