the train

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CHAPTER 2 Platform 9 ¾

   It was the morning that I went to Hogwarts and I was trying to pull my wavy chestnut hair back into a was failing so I finally just went with a low ponytail.

"Ula your going to be late for the train"

"Coming dad"

I raced down stairs,grabbed my trunks and then got in the car

We were finally at the platform after what felt like a nine hour long car ride(dad said it was only an hour and a half) I put my trunks and tal's cage into a trolly and whent to find platform nine or only took a few minutes for me to find it.i was about to run through the barrier when a young girl that looked about my age  with Red hair and green eyes Walker up to me 

"Hi I'm lilly sorry to bother you but are you going to platform nine and three quarters because I can't find it"

Then  she defensively added 

"No I'm not crazy:

"Hi I'm Vulpecula but you can call my ula and to get to platform nine and three quarters you just run at that wall"

I pointed to the wall in between platform nine and ten,she stared at me like I was crazy 


I ran straight at the wall and then I was standing in a crowd of people with the Hogwarts Express blowing its ran through the wall and we both climbed onto the train and sat in a compartment.the train whistle sounded and we began to move towards Hogwarts 

"Your cat is you cute what's its name" 

"Tal"I replied 


"Did you get a pet?"

"No my parents wouldn't let me but if I could have got a pet it would probably have been a cat or owl I'm so excited to get their"

"I know I can't wait, what house do you think that you will be in?:

"I'm not sure I don't really know anything about this world  I only found out it existed like a month or so ago"

"I think you would be gryffindor or mabby hufflepuff I could also see ravenclaw probably not slytherin" 

"You hardly even know me ula we met like twenty minutes ago" 

"So I can still try to decide"

"What house do you think you're going to be in ?"lilly said with a slight laugh 

Not sure but I want to be a gryffindor or ravenclaw  

Then the trolly lady pushed open the compartment door and asked if we wanted anything from the trolly(we got two of everything)

"All of this wizarding candy is amazing" 

"I know"

Before we knew it the train had pulled to a stop and Lilly and I were struggling to get our robes on in time.

   We rushed of the train and into a boat with two other girls 

"Hi I'm lilly and this is ula what are your guys names"

"I'm Alice"

"I'm pandora" 

"Nice to meet you"we all said in unison. We all started laughing as we began to talk about house's and the train ride here. 

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