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"All first years will go in and create a line in front of the Sorting hat. then you will get sorted one by one into your house,your house will be like your home when you are at Hogwarts."professor mcgonagall stated 

We all walked in and lined up behind the hat.one by one names were called and I just waited eagerly until it was my turn

"Vulpecula linnel"

I walked up and put the hat on. A voice began to whisper in my ear 

"You are smart and definitely kind,creative,you have lots of ambition and are brave,patient,loyal and hard working but also courageous...but where to put you...how about


Cheers erupted from the gryffindor table. I got up and set the hat back on the stool. I walked over and sat next to Lily and Alice Pandora was sorted into ravenclaw.food suddenly appeared and we all began to eat.

Two month later 

Lilly and I were outside by the lake we were talking about are classes and how much fun Hogwarts was when James and Sirius walked over and started to try and talk to lily. She just got up grabbed my arm and walked away

"I hate them I can believe that you're friends with them"

"Um I'm not friends with them I was just forced to work with them for a project in charms,but they aren't as bad as you think they are" 

"Yes they are" 

"Ok maybe but their only that annoying when their around you,but they are still kind of Annoying anyway" 

We went back to talking about classes.

Next day charms class 

I was sitting in my group with Remus,Sirius and James.We were practicing wingardium leviosa (have no clue why we were in groups)

"Ula you should tell lily to give me a chance"

James NO.you have asked me this every day and my answer will always be the same 

"How do you know" 

"Huuuuuuuu James she will never give you a chance. It has only been two months and she already completely hates you."

James just rolled his eyes and went back to trying to make a rock levitate

The bell rang shortly after and we all went back to gryffindor tower 

I went up to my dormitory and stuffed my book bag into a cupboard.lilly was trying to organize all of her potions stuff so it would all fit. Alice was sitting on her bed petting tal and her cat tulip.I got up and sat on my bed tal immediately ran over and fell asleep in my lap lily had just finished organizing her stuff and was laying on her bed when are other roommate Olivia walked in

"Hi how were all of your classes Ula did James ask you if Lily would give him a chance again"


"I would never"  lilly screamed annoyed 

"That's why I told him NO"

"Will he ever stop asking"olivia added in 

"Probably not  until she says yes" alice responded 

"So he will ask forever"  I sighed 

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