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I was sitting at the gryffindor table picking at my food.i had been starving just a few hours ago but now just the thought of eating sounded disgusting.I felt like I could puke but I was praying that I didn't because today was gryffindor quidditch tryouts and even though everyone thought I would make the team I wasn't all that sure I would I mean was trying to be positive but it wasn't working at all.
Natalie Holkham stood up

"All Gryffindor's please make your way to the quidditch pich we will start tryouts in 30 minutes" Natalie announce to the great hall right before she walked out to the quidditch pich her golden hair bouncing as she ran out.

I stood up and walked out to the quidditch pich grabbing a broom from the broom cobord

Hi this is the editor and the next part my friend wrote for me because I couldn't think of how to do quidditch check out the story she is writing it's called je vous amie it is a Harry Potter story.

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If their names are in purple that means that they make the team 


Beaters -


Natalie Holkham


Natalie Holkham

Quidditch tryouts!
We made our way down to the quidditch pitch for tryouts. I was trying out for chaser and I was really excited. James was also for chaser trying out also so I knew I had some pretty tough compitition. When we got down to the pitch the captain , Natalie Holkman  split us up into groups.  
“Ok I want chasers over here , beaters over here , and keepers over here. I want you all to try your hardest and do your best!”
Natalie said to the people on the pitch 

I followed James (who looked extremely confident for his first time trying out by the way) to the chaser section. I felt a bit nervous but decided to push it down as far as I could. It worked somewhat. Anyway, back to what was happening. 
“I want chasers to fly around the pitch 2 times , then split into pairs and pass the quaffle between you two until I am done with the beater group.”
“Beaters I want you to start by hitting the bludgers to each other and we will go from there.”
“Keepers, I want you to just sit tight. For the moment.” 
Natilie said to everyone. 
I mounted my broom and started my laps.  From where I was flying I saw Sirius smirking. He could be so cocky sometimes. Me and James passed the quaffle around until Natilile told us to stop. The next thing we were told to do was shoot at the keepers in a minnie scrimmage. I think I did pretty well. I only didn’t make it once . 
Once the tryouts were done the team list was posted on the Gryffindor bulletin board.

And Vulpecula 

Seeker : Natilie Holkham (team captain) 

Beaters : 
And Malinda 


I MADE THE TEAM!!!!! I couldn't wait to tell my friends! 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2021 ⏰

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