story 7-the fear of the dark

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I was on my way home it was late at night I was paranoid because of all the work I did. I noticed that many things didn't seem right. I felt a sensation I couldn't feel before. I felt so pleased and and disgusted at the same time. I felt like this was an effect of the dark. The dark is a living thing it's like a deity. The dark watches everyone at night. The dark is better then light. I noticed that someone was behind me with a knife I didn't see anyone though. I thought someone was behind me. The darkness grew closer. I know that the darkness is a powerful thing. The darkness has been found to be the second thing after God and light and it's better then both. What's that guy doing why is he doing that. Is that guy worshipping the dark. Why is he doing this why is he so weird. Why are you people around me just go get away from the darkness or I'll make it kill all of you. You think the darkness will like that. I don't know if it will but the darkness is absulute. Why is this guy so obsessed with darkness. I love the dark it's so cool. Please teach me your ways darkness. As I saw the darkness lead me into a place full of darkness I noticed a knife had stabbed me. Darkness why did you betray me. Because the darkness is everyone's enemy.

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