I bought this damaged old radio from a yard sale to see if I could fix it. But no matter what I tried it wouldn't work. After six hundred and sixty six attempts. It's started playing something but after that it wouldn't turn on again. But at three am I heard a noise come from it that sounded like voices asking for help. But then I heard other noises in the background it sounded like gibberish. I suddenly start to hear the radio having voices screaming hail Satan. I suddenly wanted to throw the radio out. The voice on the radio started to say come join me in hell. I suddenly started to hear death only death. I tried to break the radio but it wouldn't work. Suddenly I saw a figure of a demon where the radio was. The demon then draged me to hell.
short horror stories
Hororthese may feel familiar because I use japanese myths and other types of things to write my storys. some of these consist of content I don't own but it's stuff from history and mythology which is all basically free use if it's old enough. Also I don'...