2 months later

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It had been two months since the incident and Japath was s one ring off becoming the one true king. and yes you were still grumpy at them they had no clue why. Japath was now king Aric was the head adviser and the head of the army you were a general. "general Phenix there is a problem with- ". "WHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT INTERRUPTING MY TRAINING" you yelled at the poor guard. "never interrupt unless it's of utmost importance " the guard replied. "precisely so what so important" Aric is beting up the new recruits". "get Japath to deal with it I'm not talking to him" "yes mam" he ran off as fast as his legs could cary him. 

1 week later 

you had finaly forgiven airc and Japath. today you were traning the new recrutes. makeing them run laps of the castle up and down the staries careing a bag of flour each. lets go slowpockes as they run arouns the court yard. aric and Japath were watching with great interest from the balony above  you flow up to them "ether get moving or go do somthing." "but we have finished" the boys said in sinc good you can come down and show these idiots how to do it properly.her voice left no room for complantes they lloked at each other with a sigh ther was no way they were getting out of this . 10 min later she had them runing laps with the recrutes. lets go people faster flying laps over the boys. knees up danile. dont stop chan. ok push ups every on sighed droping the bags and stating push up on your count. 5 min plank lets go people. you turned into you demond form and walked over to aric and sat on his back come on people 2 mins left getting off Arics back and siting on Japaths. thats time we are doing it again tomorrow if your later 50 more push ups. reterning to your human form. the recrutes rush out of the room as fast as they could. you five clean up you yelled t the last five boys. turning to aric and japath. "your evil" they both said. "yes i am and i can still kick your as* any day." "oh really" is that a challenge" you smile and run off Hay get back here they run after you.

you almost made it to to top off blue tower but the boys tackled you from behind "we win". "no fare theres two of you" you complain you twis around in there arms to face them. what do we win? "hm, dinner?" 

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