Stymph forest

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It had been three days since the war ended and 2days since the funeral for the students that had died and for lady lessor's death everyone was going their separate ways she would be the new dean of evil while Dovey continued to be dean of good. All the students headed back to their schools except for 2 Agatha and Tedros they were on their way to Camelot where in 2 weeks Tedros would be crowned king as he had just come of age. But they should have done a better job of checking the bodys from the war. As Tedros and his princes Agatha headed to Camelot there was a girl foraging in stymph forest.

(stymph forest)

This girl was like no other she did fight in the war for good but she wasn't good well at least not exactly this strange girl was in the same classes as Sophie, Tedros, and Agatha and had once been close friends with them. But she was different very different see this girl was half good half evil and didn't belong in either school. There had never been someone to attend both schools but she was the first. You might be wondering how is she is half good half evil well here's the story.

This girl's parents were very different they were also both dead she'd grown up by herself her mother was none other than Maleficent the evilest villain that ever lived even eviler than the evil queens, and her father was as good as they come. Her father was King Arthur's brother yes that's right she was Tedros's cousin. But he was more of a brother than a cousin because they had grown up together and had always been friends but on her 9th birthday, she left the castle for a more simple life. Her name was kali meaning dark warrior, her mother had named her.

I have one more chapter written up so it might take a few days for chapter 5. 

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