Well Shit

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(I don't own Harry Potter or any photos unless specified)

Zinnia left her dorms for the first time in days. She is still a mess (hair even crazier than usual, tear tracks down her cheeks, clothes wrinkled, etc). After the trauma of the graveyard and yet again being attacked by a teacher, it is worse knowing Dumbledore can't tell his friends from enemies. She was finally okay enough to eat (read see people). So off to the great hall she went. Knowing she would cause a splash. She decided to be the last one there, so they all got over it at once.

When she got their the doors had already closed, she decides to be dramatic. She morphed her hair into a neat bun, then changed the tear tracks to her skin color along with the dark circles. After fixing herself, she threw open the doors with the help of wandless magic. She walked in fast but smoothly (like gliding over the floor), her back straight, her favorite neutral mask covering her face (withdrawn, slightly annoyed, and confident, but not egotistical). The hall muttered and stared. But this facade she based on Snape (the best person to keep a room quiet and from bothering you), so she walked uninterrupted. She walked straight to her boyfriend (mate) at the Gryffindor table. George gave her a hug when she sat and kept his right arm around her. But he and her friends pretended this wasn't the first time they've seen her in days. That they didn't notice how distressed she was under her mask. How, like anytime she's stressed, she reverted to eating the bare minimum (this time, less than half an average serving of porage and a small number of red grapes). The group knows that discussion won't happen without privacy, something nonexistent in the hall.

As the people in the hall finished eating. At the end of the student tables in front of the staff table, they appeared. Most easily identified; the Tonks family, Padfoot (in dog form), Moony, Moody (hopefully the real one), The Weasleys, Fudge, Umbitch, Madam Bones (with most of the trustworthy Aurors), Oliver Wood. But there were three unknown, each holding three VHS cases in their hands. The middle was also holding a projector and VCR. The Three strangers were odd; the one on the left had a clock in his chest, and his age kept changing, in the middle was a goth girl with muggle clothes, and on the right was a blond woman that felt powerful, but looked a little plain.

(these are probably the only crossover characters until much later)(in order of left to right)

(these are probably the only crossover characters until much later)(in order of left to right)

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The three strangers said, "Hello, mortals

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The three strangers said, "Hello, mortals." Before everyone noticed them among so many others, the man started. "I am Time, though I prefer Clockwork" The woman in the middle continued, "I'm Death, but call me Lilith" The last stranger finished, "I am Mother Magic."

Clockwork quickly said, "Before you panic, we brought the others here, and we are all here to watch special movies. These movies are connected to one of your magical cores, they will show the truth of their life, all of the big events and lots of the small, but that person will feel everything that happened to them in the movies: pain, cold, loneliness, etc."

Dumbledore asked, "Do you have proof of your claims, and whose lives are you showing?"

The man answered, "We teleported past your wards no one has done that to Hogwarts before."

Dumbledore, "You Didn't answer the second question."

Clockwork, "No, I didn't..."

Lilith sighed at his vagueness and said, "Zinnia Poppy Potter" Zinni sighed in relief at the short version of her name. Before the sinking fear of her life known came. "is the person we connected to the movies. She was the one that ended up doing the most, seeing enough for a real chance to save lives. Plus we like her the most. But The rest of the world can't know of these movies. You've all been spelled to not talk about things you weren't there for or told about outside of the movies once you leave the room. You also can't punish anyone without true evidence, evidence not from the moves. They are to guide you to the right path. No one is to get in any sort of trouble this includes legal, parental, and school trouble without that evidence. Your Aurors should be very busy after this."

Mother Magic said, "You will all be in a time bubble until you've finished discussing the last movie. There are 9 movies; the first is her life before Hogwarts until just before her cousin's 11th birthday, then each year of Hogwarts plus the summer before summer per movie, and finally the last is after Hogwarts. I'm afraid you don't get the normal life you want Miss. Zinnia. Also for some parts of the movie, we captioned your thoughts at the time if we thought it would help with everyone else's understanding."

All Zinni could think to say was, "Well, Shit."

With that said the three immortals vanished. Leaving the dazed hall.

(So, this Idea was bugging me all night, I couldn't sleep even more than normal, I have already started the next chapter but I'm not all that great at finishing... anything. But I'll try, this one has been giving me so many ideas.)

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