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I went home, but I didn't stay for long. I decided to go to the bar. I needed something to drink. Before leaving, I took off my office attire to throw on some casual baggy jeans and colorful sweatshirt.

I thought back while I sipped my first drink. I became Joseph's assistant years back. He was a goofy and charismatic young man, but god was he lazy and careless. I worked under him for such a long time that I got to meet his family. That was when I met SuzyQ and his daughter Holly. Those two were a breath of fresh air and could light up a room. Only one could imagine how Joseph felt when his only daughter got married to a Japanese man and left to go to Japan. And then, her husband basically left them! That was one of the harder times working with Joseph. He got quite spiteful. I had to keep him in check.

"You look deep in thought."

I flinched as I saw Joseph beside me. "Weren't you supposed to be at work?"

He simply said, "Couldn't focus."

I checked my watch. It was only basically three hours into the work day. It was barely noon.

But I didn't blame him.

He asked a bartender for a drink and sat beside me on a stool. He sighed, "Just couldn't sit around, huh?" He said as if he understood what I was feeling. I mean, we just lost a friend, but he lost his BEST friend. "You have a terrible habit of feeling bad for others. I had to keep an eye on you."

I took my glasses off my face and replaced it with my hand as I began to sob. "Mr. Joestar, why are you like this?" When I meant "this", I meant him caring about me rather than himself. He could be selfish sometimes, but when he was considerate, it always came out of the blue.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, so I glanced at Joseph.

He wasn't looking back. His arm was covering his own face. He was crying himself.

After about five minutes, he used his hand that was on my shoulder to grab his pint of beer and took a big gulp. He said, "Instead of just moping around, let's celebrate her life together."

I sniffed, "That's hard to believe when your face is soaked in tears." I grabbed a few napkins that was conveniently sitting in front of us. I looked around and saw the bartender as he gave us a sympathetic gesture. I reached over to dab Joseph's face.

"Thanks, Aria."

For what he was thanking me for, I had no idea.

I downed my own drink as well. Then I asked, "How's Holly and Jotaro holding up?"

Joseph explained, "Holly insisted on staying with us... me for a little bit."

I sighed feeling a bit relieved for him, "I'm glad you have family around you. She's a sweet young lady."

"Yes, she is." Joseph called for another round of beers. He said, "Have your fill. I'm paying."

"Don't have to tell me twice."

I had no idea how much time went by, but I knew that the sun was just dipping behind the horizon. We were there for quite some time. It was not a good idea to be in a bar with a grieving widower that has plenty of cash to blow.

Joseph was leaning forward with his head on the table. He still had a hand on his beer.

I scoffed, "How did you manage to get drunk off of beer." I hiccuped. I swayed a little as I got up from my chair. "We need to get you home. Poor old man."

He retaliated lamely, "How old are you again?"

I replied confidently, "I am as young as I look, thank you." To tell the truth, he could've guessed based off how long I worked with him. My practice and training with Hamon kept me looking spry and young.

That also meant, I was strong enough to pull Joseph up and help him out of bar with an arm over my shoulder. I kept my breathing steady as I used Hamon to strengthen me.

I managed to hail a cab by using Joseph's body to capture one's attention. He was a tall man, and that was useful. When a cab stopped in front of us, I guided him in. I slid in with him.

I told the cab driver the destination.

During the ride, Joseph fell asleep.

I kept an eye on him. I wanted to make sure that he didn't get car sick from all the driving.

Sooner than I'd like, we arrived to where he lived. I shook his shoulder.

He mumbled, but he didn't wake up. "Five more minutes, Suzy."

I made a pained noise in my throat from that response. I sighed and decided, I'm just going to have to take him into my own hands... or back?

In just a few minutes, I got Joseph on my back. I paid the cab driver, and I was off to the giant building. I tried not the think about how that cab driver was staring at me caring this 6'5 man on my back.

As I walked, his head laid on my shoulder. His breathed was grossly hot with alcohol.

I walked into the building and went to the elevator. I pressed the button to go to the top floor. I sighed as we begun our ascend, "Please end me."

The elevator rung on arrival. Then the door opened. I walked in seeing this living area. It was fitting for someone extravagant as him.

"Papa!" I heard a familiar voice call. "You're finally back- oh." There arrived was his daughter, Holly.

I greeted, "Hi, long time no see."

Holly greeted, "Hi, Aria. It's been a while." She looked at her father on my back concerned. "Let me help you." She quickly went over to me.

I said, "Don't worry about it. Just find a place where I can dump him."

Holly said, "Oh no. You must've taken him quite a ways. At least, let me help."

I said, "I may not look like it, but I am strong. Just lead the way."

She was hesitant before she said, "Okay. Just lay him on the couch. I'm fixing dinner, so this will be close enough for him."

I nodded. I took him to the couch down some stairs. I kneeled down and got him sitting up on the couch.

Joseph looked totally out of it.

Holly came to the sitting area and asked, "How about you stay for dinner?"

I said, "No, I don't want to intrude."

She said, "The more the merrier."

I stood up and said, "I need to get some rest. He wasn't the only who had quite a bit to drink."

She nodded without pushing any further, yet she seemed down. "Okay."

I quickly looked away from her. I just remembered... she just lost her mother. It must've been painful. Now her father is back drunk. There is no telling what is going on with Jotaro. It kind of hurt to be there, but maybe she needed a friend.

"Forget what I said," I quickly said. "I'll stay for dinner." I reached for her hand and clasped it gently. "I'm kind of excited to try some of your food anyways. I'll help."

A real smile grew on her as she said, "Great."

Holly said, "Let's go. We can catch up with each other." She began walking toward the kitchen.

"Great." I began following her, but I felt my shirt being tugged. I turned seeing Joseph barely conscious.

"Suzy, don't go."

Holly froze. She wiped her eyes of unfallen tears and ran back to him. She wrapped her arms around her father. Her face buried in his shoulder.

I felt my shirt released. I said in a hushed tone not caring if they heard or not, "I'll be in the kitchen." I quickly walked to the kitchen as I felt my heart pound painfully. I could feel the tears streaming from my eyes.

This was all too sad. No, that was an understatement.


One more angsty chapter, and that's it! IT HURTS SO MUCH.

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