Haunted Pt2

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Hendery, Sungchan, Taeil & Xiaojun

"Let's start the steps," Sungchan whispered. The lights had already been turned off and they all could hear the other groups beginning the steps too but far away from where they all stood. They chose the wooden door of the bedroom and began writing each of their names down on separate pieces of paper, hoping everyone else in the room was too. Xiaojun flashed the light of his phone so they saw what they were doing, and then a drip of blood seeped into each one of the papers and placed the candle, lightly on the ground, touching the tip of the paper. Hendery stepped forwards and knocked each time on the door, as Taeil and Sungchan counted. Xiaojun shut down his phone and slid it into his pocket.

"Quickly light the candle!" Sungchan immediately took charge, not letting the panic take over him. Taeil released a breath of relief as he lit the candle and took it into his own hands. Now the game had really started.

Hendery quickly noticed Xiaojun growing more scared since now they had begun walking around the dorm in the dark with the candle. Xiaojun took small steps but Hendery slowed down his pace and took Xiaojun's hand into his own, reassuring the other. They both knew how much scarier it would be to be the last person in line because they easily could get taken. Hendery stayed back to be the last person, but still had his arm wrapped around Xiaojun's waist to keep him from panicking. Taeil and Sungchan both held onto the candle and suddenly grew more attached to the warmth that the candlelight was creating. Sungchan gulped when he touched his own face with his pale, shivering palm.

"He's near." With those two words, they all froze and turned to each other. Even though Xiaojun was wearing a wool sweater, he easily could feel the temperature dropping. "We're not going to survive... god why did we agree to this...oh my god-" Xiaojun's sentence was cut off as Hendery quickly forced his lips onto his to shut him up and hopefully stop him from panicking any longer. Sungchan hesitantly looked away from the make-out session in front of him to see a black figure that stood behind the couple. "U-Uh...g-guys..." He stuttered. Taeil widened his eyes and took 5 big steps backwards before disappearing into the darkness. Xiaojun and Hendery finally broke their kiss as Sungchan shrieked for Taeil, but each of the couple's arms had been grabbed and only a muffling panic could be heard from Xiaojun. Sungchan saw a smirk on Hendery's face. He rubbed his sweaty hands together but didn't move before feeling someone pulling onto his wide shoulders backwards.

Lucas, Winwin and Yuta

Before they began fulfilling the steps, they decided to enter the bathroom and close the door. It wasn't really Yuta's choice to basically lock themselves into the bathroom and start the steps in there but Winwin and Lucas seemed pretty invested to it so he didn't say anything. Yuta leaned on the bathroom sink beside the toilet and watched Winwin so effortlessly recite the steps to Lucas so they could both get through this annoying part quickly.

"Why the fuck would do you that?!" Winwin snapped, snatching the lighter for the candle, from Lucas's hand.

"What happened, Winwin?" Yuta spoke, Winwin and Lucas both turned to him but Winwin for once looked really fed up. "He lit the candle already!"

"Calm down, it can't be that bad!" Lucas tried his best to keep his voice down, Winwin only rolled his eyes.

"We messed up one of the steps."

"Blow the candle out, it'll be fine, Win. It's not like this midnight dude is going to know." Yuta smiled as Lucas nodded. Winwin regrettably blew out the candle and continued on with the steps alone. When they finished, Yuta pulled on the door to finally look around the pitch-black dorm. He walked out and turned back expecting to see Winwin and Lucas following but no one was there...and the room felt too cold to describe.

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