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Youngone: Who ever invented math's can get fucked

OhDaddy: 👀👄👀

Youngone: I will go back in time and slap them for what they did

Fullsun: Lmao Jisung's salty

Youngone: Yes I am Because math's exists 

Rappermaknae: Why are you talking about math's now

Fthefruits: He's mad I bet him in a math's challenge

Germanboi: Ew why would you do a Math's challenge

Fthefruits: We were bored

Angelface: and you couldn't find anything better to do

Nana: What scores did you get

Fthefruits: 53%

Tiredmother: Out of 100%????

Fthefruits: Yep

JapanKing: How did you do so bad

Fthefruits: It was a hard test besides I still bet Jisung

Youngone: Go away

Eyesmile: If you got 53% then what did Jisung get

Youngone: 30% 

Tytrack: ....

Tytrack: Mark this is your fault

Mork: HOW


Tytrack: Exactly you should have been helping Jisung

Mork: 👁👄👁

Mork: I'm not even going to bother

JapanPrince: What math's were you doing

Youngone: Algebra 

Harrypotter: I don't get why they had to invented math's

Moomin: They want to make us suffer

Tiredmother: Math's isn't bad you just need to pay attention

Realmaknae: Shut up

Fullsun: Math's came from the devils home

Moomin: So your room

Fullsun: Ha, Ha funny

Cuteone: I like Math's 

JapanKing: That's Because your good at it

Sushi: Why do math's when you have a calculator

Moomin: ^^^

Harrypotter: ^^^

Youngone: ^^^

Dolphinboi: Guys I cant choose what to wear today

Tiredmother: Are you going somewhere?

Dolphinboi: all of dream has an interview

Nana: Just wear casual clothes

Dolphinboi: But I have so many casual clothes

Fullsun: Send us photos of what you were thinking to wear and we'll help

Dolphinboi: K

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