Old Memories

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This story will be set during the time period of "Naruto: The Last Movie", where Sasuke returns to Konoha for an emergency mission after his 2-year redemption journey. Also, I know in the movie it's wintertime but I made it spring in this story because I like it better lmao.


Sasuke's POV:

I look up at the sky as I see a flock of birds migrating toward the Leaf Village. In the far distance, I see pink cherry blossoms bordering the village.

That's right, it's springtime here in Konoha, I thought.

I hold my bag tight and continue walking towards the village, but slowly.

I mean, can you really blame me for taking my time? I am returning to the very village I vowed to destroy about 2 years ago. Who knows what could've happened if Naruto didn't knock some sense into me.

"Hn," I say subconsciously.

I couldn't help but smirk at the thought of Naruto. He was the only person in Konoha who wasn't afraid to land a punch on me. Most other ninjas were too busy admiring my looks or avoiding me to take me seriously. But that soon changed when I was consumed with rage and hatred. The same people who admired me began to fear me, and even tried to kill me. I didn't blame them, of course. I became just another Uchiha who fell victim to the Curse of Hatred. But Naruto never gave up on me.

I glance at my missing left arm and think back to our last battle at the final valley.


CW // blood

I slowly open my eyes.

"So...you're finally awake, huh?" Naruto says, laying on the ground next to me.

Remembering that we had been fighting, I try to sit up. However, I suddenly feel immense pain in my left shoulder. I look to my left and notice that my left arm is missing, replaced with a large pool of blood. Similarly, Naruto's right arm is missing and also replaced with a large pool of blood, forming a V-shape with mine.

"As you can see, if either of us moves too much...we'll bleed out and die," he says calmly.

I turn toward him. Studying his face, I see the bruises I left on him swelling up. Although I'm sure he left an equal amount of bruises on me, I'm sure my hits were far more lethal. Not because I am stronger than him, but because he held back. All that time we were fighting, he never intended to kill me once.

"Why would you go that far?" I ask

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"Why would you go that far?" I ask.

I've asked many times before, but the answer is never satisfying. What is it about me that he is so determined for? While I'm wondering, I realize that for once, Naruto is quiet.

"You've never tried to cut me off. After all I've done...why do you keep involving yourself with me?" I ask.

"Because you're my friend," he simply says. But still, I am not satisfied.

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