11. Role play?!

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With my back against the headboard, I fiddled with my hair. There's a ray of sunlight that gleams on that stand of hair and it makes it look like gold. Jackson stirs next to me, and in seconds he sits up and swings his arms over my hips. Grabbing my body and placing it on top of him in a straddling position. He looks up at me and smiles.

My hands clasp around his neck. "You know what this means right?"

"What does it mean?" He smirks as he grabs a hold of my ass.

My thumb traces his lips. "This obviously means.."

I got up off him, almost tripping on the blanket that caught onto my leg as I get out of bed, and dash to the bathroom. Once I close the door shut behind me, I press my back firmly against it and finally breathe out in relief.

"Sky!" He pounds at the wood. "What the hell are you doing? Open up the door."

I slowly walk to the sink and get my toothbrush to brush my teeth. As I look into the mirror I can see my ears and my entire face flush red as a tomato. I spit out the toothpaste and rinse out my mouth with water. Backing up against the door that Jackson is still pounding on the other side. I quickly cover my face with my hands.

I didn't think much of it earlier because I was so sore that nothing else could process in my brain. But I really did DO IT with Jackson. Oh god I feel like a little kid right now, I can't even bare to look at him in the face. I'm so embarrassed.

"Sky open up or I will break down this door." His voice deepened.

"No don't! Please can you just get me some clothes, I'm going to shower."

Jackson was shuffling around the room. Then he came back to the door.

"I only brought my stuff and I have it in my hand. If you want something to wear come out and get it."

I groaned in frustration. My only hope was that he would leave after I shower.

The bath was cold as ice. I made it like that so it could wake me up and give me the courage to face Jackson. It ended up failing because I gave into the comfort and gave myself a final rinse in warmness. Pressing my ear against the door I couldn't hear a sound on the other end.

This is my signal! I gave the door a slow creak and the entire door slammed open as a body fell through. I shrieked in shock, holding tight on my towel and looked down to the face of Jackson who was grinning from ear to ear.

Even though his body had fallen flat out on the floor, I grabbed the door by the side and slammed it shut. His head was forcibly pushed up against the door and I instantly cringe, regretted it.

"I'm sorry is your head okay!?"

"Ow, that really hurt."

He sounds like an injured pup.
Look! Now I feel bad..

The phone started ringing and I heard Jackson get up and walk away to go get it. I take this chance to open back up the door and get the clothes that he left on the ground.

I stretch out my shorts and almost trip in the process of attempting to get one leg through a hole. For some reason I was rushing. Not particularly sure why, maybe it's due to the previous adrenaline and my want to sneak out unseen, quick before Jackson notices. I take a look at myself in the mirror and my top is already soaked from my hair's water droplets. It's a green shirt so it should not be prone to transparency.

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