Chapter 1

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The Lion Guard were doing morning patrol. They were almost done for the morning and so far, it had been pretty quiet. They only had to save a genet from a high tree and help a lost gazelle back to its herd. The Guard were walking their last path of their patrol.

"I'm glad Janja and his clan aren't here. I could get used to this quiet patrols." Fuli said.

"Maybe they finally learned their lesson?" Besthe asked.

"I doubt it." Fuli chuckled.

"I hope not! Kicking Janja out of the Pride Lands is the most fun thing to do!" Bunga said with full excitement.

"Well, let's just be glad the Pride Lands are safe. We can take a break once we finished this path." Kion said.

"Don't speak too soon." Ono said, as he flew in the air. He noticed the zebra herd running towards the Outlands.

"Hapana! The zebra herd are fleeing towards the Outlands!"

"We have to stop them! 'Till the Pride Lands end..." Kion began.

"LION GUARD DEFEND!" the rest finished. They all ran towards the zebra herd.

"Fuli! Use your speed to calm the herd down!" Kion said.

"You got it Kion! Huwezi!"

Fuli ran with full speed around the zebras, making circles to slow the herd down. The rest of the Guard followed the herd, making sure the zebras stick together.

"Calm down, calm down. It's okay. That's it." Fuli said.

As the herd finally slowed down, they were almost at the border of the Outlands. Kion and the Guard approached the leader of the zebra herd, Thurston.

"What made you all run off like that?" he asked.

"I was just minding my business eating the most delicious grass of the Pride Lands, when suddenly a red stick moved towards us! So we did what we had to do."

"You panicked and ran?" Fuli asked.

"That's right."

"A red moving stick? Are you talking about Ushari, the cobra?" Ono asked.

"A cobra? I most certainly can see the difference between a snake and a stick! I am the smartest zebra in the Pride Lands, you know?" Thurston responded.

"Sure you are!" Kion said while he tilted his head. He figured that Ono was right, but didn't want to make a whole argument about it.

"The stick should have moved away by now. You all can go back to your territory." Kion said.

"Right! ...where is that, exactly?" Thurston asked, as he looked at his surroundings.

Fuli sighed. "Zebras..." she mumbled to herself so no one could hear.

"Don't worry, we'll get you home safe." Besthe said.

"You guys go ahead, I want to check the border to look out for trespassers." Kion said.

"Aren't you coming with us?" Bunga asked.

"I'll be at the watering hole soon. I'm pretty sure you can lead the herd back to their home without me." Kion chuckled.

"Alright Kion, see you at the watering hole!" Ono said.

"Bye guys!"

The Guard led the herd back to their territory and then took a break from their patrol.


Kion was walking around the border to make sure there are no trespassers. It wasn't too long before Kion heard a scream.

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