Ch3 - Innocent Bystander

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The online video was reposted by many official Weibos and marketing numbers. some net popular people even found the old man and sent him food and drink in order to gain traffic. The staff of the local related departments learned about this matter and properly arranged housing and food for the old man. The netizens only regretted that no one found the little brother in the video.

The 'mysterious little brother' was currently carrying the boxed meal of the drama crew, more energetic than anyone else. The female star, who originally had no appetite, stared at Li Zhao for two minutes and picked up her chopsticks to eat some vegetables.

"Zhao ah, if you become popular in the future then you can't let the fans know how much you can eat." Zhang Xiaoyuan watched Li Zhao eat his food clean and suddenly felt like a tired old father.

"Why?" Li Zhao ate the last grain of rice and wiped clean the corners of his mouth.

"It is because all fairy men drank dew when growing up." Zhang Xiaoyuan once again patted Li Zhao's shoulder. "In the future, you should remember to show some restraint when there are outsiders."

"Brother Xiaoyuan, have you forgotten?" Li Zhao threw the meal box into the garbage bag and looked at Zhang Xiaoyuan sympathetically. "Our company closed down."

Zhang Xiaoyuan, "......"

He was born a human. Didn't he deserve to dream?

"It's fine. I'll work to support you once the shooting is over." Li Zhao sweetly comforted Zhang Xiaoyuan. "I am young and have good physical strength..." He hadn't finished speaking when his WeChat prompt showed he had a new message.

Li Zhao stared at the WeChat prompt and hesitated for a few seconds before slowly opening the group chat.

A Better Tomorrow: The operation was a success! @Xiao Zhao @First Make 100 Million

Li Zhao was so excited his hands were shaking. He hastily replied to the message.

Xiao Zhao: Great, the person is fine!

A Better Tomorrow: The doctor said the patient should be observed in the hospital for a while after the surgery. Brothers, I really want to thank you this time. If it wasn't for you, Xiao Xia might not have survived.

Xiao Zhao: Good brothers shouldn't say thank you.

First Make 100 Million: @Xiao Zhao was right, good brothers shouldn't say thanks. During the time when you and Sister Xia went out and worked hard, you didn't forget to take care of the children in the institution. We all remember it.

We're sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we're going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Zhang Xiaoyuan noticed that Li Zhao looked excited, like something good had happened. He asked, "Is there good news?"

"Vlrafg Wlj'r regufgs kjr remmfrroei!" Ol Itjb tfiv tlr wbylif qtbcf jcv uijcmfv ja Itjcu Wljbsejc klat ygluta fsfr. "Dgbatfg Zlcu pera rfca j wfrrjuf!"

Itjcu Wljbsejc kjr raeccfv obg j ibcu alwf yfobgf ijeutlcu. "Xgfja."

"Tfr, la lr ugfja." Ol Itjb bqfcfv j rtbqqlcu qijaobgw jcv ktlcfv, "Dgbatfg Wljbsejc, tfiq wf olcv bea ktja rtbeiv yf erfv ab mjgf obg j qfgrbc'r tfjiat joafg regufgs..."

Looking at Li Zhao seriously bowing his head to buy products, Zhang Xiaoyuan couldn't help touching this person's soft hair and smiling. Perhaps for Li Zhao, Zhou Ming and Zhu Xia weren't only a big brother and big sister. They were like his father and mother.

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