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When Renjun was younger, he wanted to be a part of a robbery or other crime. He didn't want to get hurt, he just wanted to witness how similar things happen in real life, not only in that box that shows colorful pictures.

But now Renjun would give anything just to turn back time and lock the fricking kitchen door or maybe even run from the house before the house would get invaded

They weren't allowed to move or talk. The intruders wanted them to sit in one place while they were standing meters away and discussing something behind their backs.

"They'll kill us," whispered Ming, finally enlightened by the situation.

Others whimpered in response.

"No, we'll live," Renjun tried to change their minds, though he was relating to them a lot too. "We're still alive, right? That means they don't want to kill us."

"Stop talking!" the old man screamed at the poor kids.

They all shivered and looked away from the intruders.

Renjun tried to hear what they were talking about. If they really were about to kill them, Renjun wanted to prepare for his death. If not, Renjun was curious why they were even there. Maybe they were thieves. If so, Renjun wouldn't stop them from taking his mother's jewelry or other expensive things. He just wanted to live.

But the living part could be hardly questioned. Renjun knew that the percent of them staying alive was really low because the guys didn't hide their faces. Renjun could see how they looked like and even if they stay alive, he would tell the police how they looked like without any doubt.

He snapped from his thoughts when the invaders got silent and soon went to the scared little sheep. Renjun tried his best to not make any eye contact with them. He didn't want to look daring when he was actually ready to wet his pants.

"Which one of you is the oldest?" he heard one guy asking.

Renjun didn't need to confess, thanks to his cousins. They all pointed at him. He didn't even get the time to come up with a plan.

"You," they referred to him. "Stand up."

"Please, don't kill him," the girls begged.

"You're a boy?"

Renjun wanted to glare but kept his eyes on the floor. How dare they mistake him for a girl? Renjun was sure he looked like a guy enough. Maybe they didn't notice because in the group of five girls Renjun was always overshadowed.

His cousins kept on crying and begging for them to not do anything to Renjun but were easily silenced by one guy's deep voice and the old man. Another one was taking Renjun away from the girls, somewhere further in the house. Even though the boy had his eyes on the floor, he noticed that this one didn't have a gun.

"Where do you keep your med kit?" the guy asked. He kept his voice low, whispering into Renjun's ear.

"B-bathroom," the boy stuttered, failing to hide that he was scared.

"Lead the way, but remember," the voice got lower, "if you do something stupid, we'll have to hurt one of your sisters."

Renjun gritted his teeth as he hated to be in a situation where he didn't have a choice but behave like asked. It never failed to make him frustrated. If not for the position he was in right now, he would probably fight with the person behind his back.

He slowly went upstairs with a guy dangerously following behind. Renjun felt his hot breath on his neck and even the guy's chest on his back. Gosh, it was uncomfortable to go up the stairs with an intruder glued on his back.

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