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Pov: Charlie

I was in the kitchen, looking for stuff to make breakfast with, although at this time it would be more like lunch, after scanning the cupboard for a minute I found some pancake mix and I grabbed the last I grabbed the last few rashers of bacon from the fridge. I need to go shopping sometime soon. I mixed together the things for the pancake batter and then poured out a little circle onto the frying pan, after repeating this a few more times I layed out the rashers of bacon on the pan. Once they were crispy I took them off and placed them on the plate that I'd heaped with pancakes, making sure I doused it in syrup. Okay I admit I might have a bit of a sweet tooth. Once I'd finished putting the syrup on the pancakes I grabbed a knife and fork and took the plate to the coffee table in the living room, content with my cooking I took my phone out to take a picture of it. After I took the picture I checked it, just to admire my cooking once more, but I noticed a hand in the picture. I looked up and saw Floris munching on a slice of the bacon and trying his hardest not to burst out laughing.
"you dick!"
"what? I'm hungry.o"
"then make your own damn food,"
"but I'm drained from all my super duper important streaming,"
I raised an eyebrow.
"about red cum..?"
"hey! You're 17 don't talk about stuff like that!"
We both burst out laughing. I got up to go grab my brother a plate so he could have some pancakes too, and when I walked back in he was already helping himself to the pancakes. I just sighed and placed the plate down next to him and taking half of MY OWN pancakes.
He looked up from his food with his mouth still half full and said muffled,
"hey, you know how you walked into my stream?"
"say that again but swallow your food this time."
He swallowed his food and sighed, repeating what he'd just said.
"yeah, well some of my friends said they wanna talk to you, for a video"
"oh yeah? And why should I agree?"
I raised an eyebrow
He sighed
"I'll go and buy you your favourite chocolate if you do"
I thought about what his friends would be like, hopefully they weren't as annoying as him. Then he spoke up again,
"how does tomorrow sound? I know you aren't doing anything"
"okay first of all rude and second, sure, I don't mind"
He nodded his head and messaged someone on his phone, most likely his friends. After I finished my food I went back up to my room to scroll through my phone mindlessly for the rest of the day.


Word count: 498

Again I'm SO sorry for the short chapters, I promise I'll try and make next chapter longer, even if nobody is gonna read this.

  - Ranboo X OCWhere stories live. Discover now