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Pov: Charlie

I went to sleep earlier than usual*¹ last night but I still slept in apparently, seeing as I woke up to Floris yelling
I managed to drag myself out of bed and got a shower, usually I'd spend 30 minutes in the shower but seeing as that's how long I had to get ready, I only took 7 minutes in the shower and then I dried my hair, tying it into a loose bun and applying light makeup and eyeliner. After that I put together a quick outfit, it's not like I'd be going anywhere fancy but I wanted to look good as an apology for looking so sloppy and tired yesterday when I accidentally appeared on stream. I was quite proud of the outfit considering it only took me about 10 minutes to put together.

(I imagine something like this but without all the other stuff surrounding it, also feel free to change the outfit if you want to)

I got up and checked myself out in the mirror again, noticing that the red in my hair was fading, I'd have to dye it again soon, content with how I looked I knocked on Floris' door, this time I waited for him to answer

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I got up and checked myself out in the mirror again, noticing that the red in my hair was fading, I'd have to dye it again soon, content with how I looked I knocked on Floris' door, this time I waited for him to answer.
"Come in!"
I entered his room and he signalled for me to sit down in his chair, I sat down in it and he handed me his headset, I slipped the headset on and heard a few people talking. One of them had a very gritty, somewhat high-pitched voice, he was also very loud. Another had a strong British accent and was talking to someone called 'Wil'. 'Wil' seemed to be shouting at someone called 'Tommy' I figured out that Tommy was the loud one pretty quickly. Once it seemed to calm down a bit I spoke up.
"um.. Hello?"
I got a reply from everyone, mostly consistjnf of normal hellos, apart from one very loud
I flinched a little and heard Floris laughing behind me. Then another voice revealed itself, the voice in question was rather quiet and somewhat deep.
I greeted him again, even though I'd already said hello.
Everyone then proceeded to introduce themselves, the one with the strongest British accent spoke first
"Hiya mate, I'm Phil"
He was followed by a rather soft British voice who introduced himself as Wilbur, and yet again he was followed up by the loud one, yet again shouting
"Jusus you're loud"
That comment earned a chuckle from Phil and Wilbur.
And yet again, the one with the deepest voice, and the only one out of the 4 of them that wasn't British introduced himself last
"Hi, I'm ranboo"
I smiled at how calm he was compared to the others. After the introductions everyone but ranboo turned on their cameras and asked if I was comfortable turning mine on too, of course I was. There's no point in keeping my appearance a secret when I showed my face yesterday. So I turned my camera on for all of them to see, however I was confused as to why ranboo didn't have his camera on and so I asked why.
"ah, well I'm like a faceless streamer I suppose. Nobody knows what I look like besides my hair, since I usually wear glasses and a mask when I do turn my camera on."
"ohh that's sorta cool, do you have your mask handy right now? I'm kinda curious if I'm being honest."
"I do, actually, just give me a minute."
While ranboo went to get his mask I spoke to the rest of them, telling a few embarrassing stories about my brother, much to his dismay. Soon enough ranboo returned and turned his camera on. He had a mask and sunglasses on so I couldn't see his face but I could still see his hair. It was fluffy and dirty blonde, I ended up staring at it for a bit before I heard my name being said by Tommy.
"Charlieeee Charlie? CHARLIE!"
"jeez Charlie what were you staring at"
I turned a little red
"oh um... Just ranboo's hair- it looks- really nice"
Ranboo returned the compliment with
"so does yours! I should totally get my hair split dyed like yours"
"oh my god that would look amazing"
"you think? I would get it-"
Before he could finish his sentence everyone else in the call finished it for him
"black and white.."
Ranboo gave an embarrassed chuckle and we all continued to talk for a while. After an hour or two we finished talking, it was just regular questions, some asked by Tommy's twitch chat and some asked by the streamers themselves. Once the stream ended everyone said goodbye, but ranboo stayed and asked if I had a discord. I told him I did and he added me so we could talk more later. I was excited to talk to him more


Word count: 833

*¹ - it was totally 2 in the morning.

Hi everyone! I made this part longer, as promised. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. I'm sorry that it got a bit boring and bland towards the end though.

Not proofread

  - Ranboo X OCWhere stories live. Discover now