3. Sick day

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Taylor's POV

It's been two days since I finished my tour. I absolutely love going up on stage and seeing these crowds of people screaming the lyrics to all my songs but it's also really exhausting. The last concert was also the rain show which are my favourites, it's just so fun. But I feel like it might be the reason why I feel so bad right now...


I took a tissue from a bedside table and blew my nose as quietly as possible, careful not to wake Joe up who is sleeping like a baby next to me. I threw the tissue in a bin and get all comfy again in order to fall asleep.

~3 hours later~

It's like 2:31 am right now and I just woke up shivering and covered in sweat. Other than that my head really hurts, one minute I am cold and then the second minute I am hot and I feel like my throat is burning. As if that wasn't enough I have a runny nose and I am running out of tissues.


„Taylor? What time is it? Why aren't you sleeping?" – Joe mumbled into a pillow

„Go back to sleep, I'm fine babe" – I replied quickly

But as always he doesn't listen and he just sits up slowly, rubbing his eyes to get a clear view of me. When his vision wasn't blurry anymore his eyes widened.

„Baby, are you okay? You're sweating but you're shivering, are you cold?" – he asked worriedly looking me in the eyes

„I'll be okay, go to sleep Joe" – I replied

He brought his hand up to my forehead and gasped.

„Taylor, you're burning up! Wait here, I'll be right back"

I sighed and laid back down while he left the room.

After about 3 minutes he came back with a cup of something in his hand.

„Here you go, a cup of tea with lemon, it should help a little and I'm going to get a cool cloth to put on your forehead"

I slightly smiled at him and he smiled back. When I thought I couldn't love him more, he does something to prove me wrong.

As I took a sip of my tea he came back from the bathroom with a white cloth soaked with cold water.

„Can you sit for a second? I will fix your pillows" – he said and I did as told

„Alright, now you can lay back"

I did and he gently put the cold cloth on my forehead before fixing all the blankets to make sure I'm not too cold but also not too hot.

~ 20 minutes later ~

„Thank you" – I said and looked at him

„For what?" – he asked looking me in the eye

„For taking care of me, for being here and actually, for everything... You're just the best, I love you" – I smiled and he did too

„You have nothing to thank me for, that's what I am here for... I love you too baby. But now it's late and you're definitely tired, are you feeling a little bit better?" – he asked

„Yeah, because of you" – I nodded with a smile

I lead into his arms and laid my head on his chest as he wrapped his arms around me and started rubbing my back. After a few minutes, I was fast asleep...

~ in the morning ~

Joe's POV

It's 9:13 am and Taylor is still sleeping so I carefully untangled myself from her and after making sure that she's still asleep, I went down to the kitchen to make some breakfast.

As I was making tea for myself and her, I heard footsteps from the stairs. I turned around and there she was, slowly walking to the kitchen with her eyes still hafl closed.

„Hi baby, how are you feeling today? Better?" – I asked when she stepped into the kitchen and I kissed her head

„Better, but still a little bit weak" – she replied quietly and wrapped her arms around my waist

We stood there in a hug for a while before I led her to the living room and gave her breakfast and a tea. We put her favourite series on tv and ate breakfast with her head on my shoulder.

A/N I know it's pretty short, I will try to make others a little bit longer! Do you have any requests??

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