Chapter 9

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(because of my stupid mistake I most likely won't be updating this wednesday, as I'm quite busy these next few days and might not have a chance to write. Sorry I'm such a terrible author.)

*Percy/Nova POV*

I'm tired... so... tired. It's so dark. All the light is gone. I miss the light. I miss Bianca. I miss being warm. I've forgotten what it feels like to not be in pain. How long have I been here? I don't know anymore. 

The door opened, casting light across a sliver of the room. I winced at the light. Something hit me in the head and something else thumped to the floor. Once I heard the door close I opened my eyes. I can see.Oh my god. I can see. 

I looked around the room, the only difference since I lost the light is that it's dirtier. There's a kid on the floor. I stood up and walked up to him. I crouched down beside him, he was curled in a ball and crying. "Hey." He didn't answer, just shifted away from me into a corner. His breathing was shallow and rapid. He gripped his hair, pulling slightly as tears streamed down his face. Sh*t he's having a panic attack. "Hi." I made sure I was talking softly. "If you don't feel like talking, tap once for yes and twice for no. Understand?" He tapped once. "Okay, can I touch you?" Two taps. "Alright. That's okay. My name is Percy, I'm here to help you okay?" One tap. "Okay, match my breathing." I started taking exaggerated breaths. He copied me, taking deep breaths. A minute later he was breathing properly again, even if it was a bit shaky. "Can you talk?" "Y-yeah." "okay, I want you name 5 things you can see." "Y-you. M-my feet. T-the walls. T-the floor a-and the food." "Well done, you're doing great. Can you name 4 things you can feel?"  "M-my hair. My hands. T-the floor and m-my s-shirt." "Good, you're doing amazing. Do you feel any better?" "Y-yeah, thanks." "No problem, can I hug you?" He sniffled and moved closer to me. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him into a hug. He buried his face in my chest and closed his eyes. A while later his breathing evened out, he'd fallen asleep. I carefully picked him up and carried him over to a dry corner. I grabbed my cloak from where it was covering the small pile of sticks and covered him with it. He shifted in his sleep and pulled it tighter around him. I smiled and picked the food they'd thrown in off the ground, wrapping it in the scrap of fabric I'd ripped off my top when I'd started squirreling away food. I grabbed some sticks from the stockpile and set them up in a pyramid, with some scraps of fabric as tinder. I grabbed a rock and started striking it off my cuffs, sending sparks into the small pile. Before long I had a small fire going. I unfolded the fabric, revealing the food I'd been saving for however long I'd been here. started cooking the small pieces of meat they'd given me by placing them on a stone warmed by the fire. I had some water as well, they'd given me a few bottles and I'd saved as much as possible. The meat was almost done when the kid woke up. He stood up, holding the cloak around himself tightly. He came over and sat down by the tiny fire, attempting to warm his hands. "Hey." "Hi." "Do you remember my name?" "You're Percy." "That I am. What's your name?" "I'm Mark. Son of Gaia." He frowned when he said his mother's name, he obviously didn't like her. "Do you want to talk about her?" He shook his head. "That's okay, tell me if you do." I handed him some bread and a small piece of meat. He gobbled it down, as if he hadn't had food in ages. I chewed mine slowly, savouring the warmth of the meat. "Do you want some water?" "Yes please." I handed him the bottle and he gulped some down. "You should sleep now. I need some rest as well. We'll talk more when we wake up okay?" "Okay." He shuffled back over to his corner, curling into a ball with my cloak still wrapped tightly around himself. I went to my corner and made myself as comfortable as I could. My eyelids grew heavy and I drifted slowly into Morpheus's realm. 

When I woke up Mark was already awake, poking at the embers of the fire. I think he was trying to re-light it. I yawned and stretched, walking towards him. "Hey Mark." He looked up and smiled slightly. "Hi Percy." I sat down beside him. "How you feeling now?" "Good, no dreams." "That's always nice." "Yup." "Do you want to hear about my adventures?" "Yes!" "Okay, well it all started when I was twelve years old..." 

I told him about all my quests, from finding the lightning thief to the trip on the Argo to stop his mom. He didn't seemed bothered that I'd helped defeat his mother, in fact he seemed delighted. I told him about my adventures in the army, including why I'd joined. I sensed that it'd be better to be completely honest with him. Once I was finished he stared at me for a moment, before snapping out of it. "They don't deserve you, the people who betrayed you I mean." "Thanks bud." "Can I tell you about me?" I smiled at him. "Of course, I'd love to know about you." "Yay!"

"My full name is Marcus Icarus Alexandros Medeiros. I was born in England," Ah, that explains the accent. "In 1970. I'll explain that in a moment. My dad was Tobias Bartholomew Medeiros, but he preferred Toby, or Bartie with some people. He was the best dad ever, he never yelled and always cared more about me than my school grades. Whenever I asked about mom he said 'She was beautiful, in looks and in personality. The best woman I've ever met.'. I didn't believe him, after all, mom left after I was born. I grew up with dad until I was ten. I got in trouble a lot, and I saw things no one else did. On my tenth birthday, while we were eating there was a knock on the door. Dad got up to answer it and then-" His voice broke. I put my arm around his shoulder reassuringly. "You don't have to continue if you don't want to." He swallowed. "I do. Then I-I heard a scream. I ran to the door to see what was wrong and dad was on the floor. T-They'd stabbed him. I broke down crying. He was already dead, I knew I couldn't save him but I could avenge him. I ran back to the kitchen and grabbed the biggest knife I could find, it was celestial bronze, though I didn't know it at the time. I ran out the door, looking for whatever had killed him. I found it, it was a weird snake-woman thing and I stabbed it with the knife. It disintegrated. I ran back to the house and packed a bag. I left the house and ran into the forests behind it, to a treehouse I'd built when I was younger. The next day the neighbours called the police. They came and they- they blamed me for his death. That hurt so much. They thought I'd murdered my own dad." His voice was barely above a whisper. "After about a year and a half of being on the run I found somewhere safe. I found a great new family, they loved me and I loved them. I couldn't stay for long though, trouble followed me like a shadow. I had to leave, or else they'd get hurt. I ran away in the middle of the night. I left them a note, saying I was sorry and that I loved them but I had to go. I took a backpack and some food. After about a month I fell into a hole. The hole collapsed around me. I tried to push it off, at that point I'd figured out my powers, but I couldn't. There was something else more powerful than me controlling it. I ran out of air and lost consciousness, when I woke up I could see the light again. I later learned that that was my mother, preserving me in the ground until she needed me. I climbed out of the hole and there was a woman there. She had long brown hair, dark green eyes and a forest green dress. I asked her who she was and she said that she was my mom. I went with her and she took me to an army barracks. I joined the army, that's why I have these." He pulled down the collar of his shirt, revealing the numbers 21264543 (if anyone can figure out why I chose these number, I'll be very impressed and I'll update early.) and Gaia's symbol tattooed on his neck. He let go of his shirt collar and resumed his story. "So I joined the army and for a while I was happy. Then one day I was looking for somewhere to read my book when I stumbled across the cells. What I saw there was horrible. People were chained to the walls, bleeding and filthy. They all looked as if they hadn't eaten in days. I nearly threw up right then and there. I ran outside and tried to get as far away as possible. They caught me though, and stuck me in here with you." 

That's one hell of a story. I hugged him. "Life sucks man. Sorry you had to go through all that."


So yeah. If you couldn't tell, I didn't really know how to end this. Sorry if it feels unfinished or anything.

Again, I'm really sorry for being a sucky author and publishing the wrong chapter.

Peace out! (emojis still wont work. ):< )    

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