Chapter 15 (+ a note)

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 so its saturday... and october.... soooo I'M BACK!! I'm sure you're all delighted to hear that. (lol). Anyway, from now on I'm just going to be uploading on Saturdays, no Wednesday uploads. Sorry. 


im very sorry to say that i have lost my story plan, so, i know how i want the story to end but not smaller details like how exactly the prophecy plays out and stuff. So, im afraid this story will be paused for a little bit longer while i rewrite/look for the chapter outline IM SOO SORRY T^T I feel so bad that i keep giving times for coming back and then not doing itttt T^T im so sorry guys ill do this as quick as i can and ill be back for real asap.


I have written some 300 years stuff, its not finished but im gonna start uploading it once a week :p 

hope you like it!!!!!!

(I added in a quick recap of the last chapter since it's been so long)

Mark led them to the main door. As he stared up the door his eyes flashed between gold and green, eventually settling on gold. He turned and smiled at his companions, though there was something sinister about it. "Come on." He marched inside. Vine, Malcolm and Angel exchanged glances before hurrying after him.

They followed Mark through hallway after hallway, each one longer and more winding. While the first few were dotted with windows every few metres, in these ones the only light came from overhead led lights every ten metres. Vine squeezed Malcolm's hand. When Malcolm looked at him he whispered. "I don't like this." Malcolm nodded. "I get a bad feeling from this place." He whispered back. They glanced at Angel, who was frowning worriedly. She hurried over to them and whispered to them. "This place is bad. I can't feel the earth."

Mark turned around, his eyes were back to their usual bright green. "What are you guys whispering about." He smiled maliciously, eyes flashing gold. "You can tell me." Vine shivered. "Nothing buddy, it's fine." Mark glared suspiciously at them. Then his eyes flashed back to green and he skipped off in front. "Okay! This way!" He turned down a corridor and started running. The others sped up to follow him. They ran down the corridor, trying to catch up with Mark. Mark stopped by a window and waited for the others. When they arrived he motioned for them to be quiet and then peeked in the window. He nodded to the others and they peeked in.

People in white lab coats were bustling around, carrying bottles and boxes from workstation to workstation, mixing them together and taking notes. Mark pointed at someone. "He looked after me when I was in the other place." The person he was pointing at had mousy blonde hair, a screwed up nose and beady brown eyes. "His name is Doctor Smith."


and thats todays chapter, see y'all on Saturday


Angel crawled past the window to a door at the end of the corridor. She tested the handle and went to open it when Malcolm whisper-yelled at her. "No! It could be booby trapped!" Angel quickly checked for obvious traps and, seeing none she twisted the handle. She pushed open the door but Vine barreled into her, knocking her to the ground as arrows whistled over their heads. They heard thuds as the arrows embedded themselves into the wall behind them. Once the thuds had stopped Vine stood up, offering his hand to Angel, who allowed herself to be pulled to her feet. "I warned you." Malcolm muttered. "Sorry Malcolm, I should have listened to you." Angel apologized, shuffling her feet. "'S alright." Malcolm said. Malcolm stood up, pulling Mark up with him. They all stood in the doorway, looking into the office. Then Angel stepped in and started looking around for any evidence of who this office might belong to. She rifled through drawers and checked for hidden cabinets. Vine inspected the paintings on the walls, checking for hidden compartments or safes behind them. Malcolm checked the bookshelf, methodically pulling out books and flicking through them. Mark's eyes flashed gold and he walked over to a rug, his eyes returning to bright green right as he pulled up the rug. "Guys look!" He whisper-yelled. Everyone hurried over to him. "A trapdoor!" Vine exclaimed joyfully. He reached down and tugged it open. It fell open with a clang.

annnddd thats it for today folks, im afraid this is all i had pre written :p 

peace out! ✌️

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