Chapter 13

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Mark skipped along happily, swinging his arms from side and humming happily. 

Percy and Angel walked slightly behind the others, Percy leaning on Angel as they talked quietly.

Zoë walked ahead of everyone else, her bow out and loaded, ready for an attack. 

Malcolm and Vine walked side by side, their shoulders occasionally brushing off each other. Malcolm's fingers brushed off Vine's and he blushed, looking away. When their fingers brushed again, Vine gently threaded his fingers through  Malcolm's. He blushed and stared at his feet, smiling shyly. 

Malcolm had never understood why people held hands. It just never made sense. But now, when Vine squeezed his hand gently and he squeezed back, it made perfect sense. Heat spread from his hand all over his body, warming him to the core. 

Star glanced back at them and smiled at the sight. They were both blushing intensely and smiling. They refused to make eye contact with each other, Malcolm looking at the trees and Vine at the floor.

Mark skipped back towards them and stopped right in front of them. He looked up at them and blinked, his eyes momentarily flashing gold. "Um he little buddy. Anything you need?" Vine asked, unnerved by the gold, though already convincing himself it was just a trick of the mind. Mark smiled innocently up at him, head tilted like a curious puppy. "Nope!" "Alright... well, you run along then." Mark skipped happily back up to Star. Vine glanced at Malcolm, concerned. "Did you see that?" He whispered. Malcolm nodded. "We'll talk to the others about it later." "Good idea." 


After walking for another hour Percy collapsed on Angel, completely worn out. Angel half carried, half dragged him to the others. Vine shrugged off his cloak and laid it on the ground. Angel put Percy down carefully on the cloak, before taking off her own and covering him with it. They quickly set up camp and carried Percy into his tent. Star sent Mark to gather some firewood. He skipped off happily and returned a minute later, arms devoid of firewood and eyes glowing gold. He went into Percy's tent, unnoticed by Vine and Malcolm. He rifled through Malcolm's bag, frowned and repeated the process with everyone else's. When he didn't find whatever he was looking for he growled in frustration. He left the tent and walked back into the woods, coming back again with an armful of firewood, eyes returned to their usual bright green. He dumped the firewood in a pile and looked over at Malcolm and Vine, who were holding hands and blushing furiously. He smiled and crept up behind them,  before yelling really loudly. "VINE AND MALCOLM SITTING IN A TREE! K-I-S-S-I-N-G! FIRST COMES LOVE, THEN COMES MARRAIGE THEN COMES-" He trailed off, looking confused. A moment later he continued. "AN ADOPTED CHILD! THATS NOT ALL, THATS NOT ALL, THE BABY'S GOT A SWORD!" Malcolm and Vine glanced at each other before bursting out laughing. Vine jumped up and and began chasing Mark. "You little monster! Wait till I catch you!" Mark ran circles around him, laughing his head off. Malcolm jumped up and grabbed him as he ran past. "Aha! Got you!" Mark squealed and squirmed, trying to free himself. After a moment he got free but Vine grabbed him again before he could run away. "Not so fast you little monster!" He started tickling him and Mark yelled with laughter. Malcolm smiled as he watched them. 

Star arrived back from Cm'ing Alpha and smiled at the sight of Malcolm, Mark and Vine collapsed in a giggling heap. She began building a fire and preparing food. After Mark had eaten and been sent off to bed, Malcolm and Vine said that they wanted to talk to everyone. Angel went and woke Percy. He came and sat down next to her and started eating while Vine explained the thing with Mark's eyes turning gold. Percy shrugged, he had a niggling feeling he should recognize that symptom but he couldn't place it. Malcolm had an idea but decided not to mention it before he did more research. Then talk turned to the prophecy. After fruitless hours trying to decipher it, they gave up and retired to bed. 


Hey! Sorry for the short chapter :)

nothing much has happened in the last few days so no life updates this update :) 

Peace out!✌️

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