Jailbird of the Circus

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The kettle whistled just as the water inside reached boiling point, and it was then that you knew it was ready. You plucked the kettle off the stove and you carefully poured its contents into a tea pot. Behind you, Angie watched your every move, rather nervous about you handling such a dangerous item.

"Hun, are ya sure you don't want me to make the tea for you?" Angie spoke with a worried tone. You shook your head and you smiled at her with closed eyes.

"I'm fine, Angie. I'm not a little kid anymore. Making tea is easy as pie!" You reassured. Angie clutched her hands together and she pursed her lips. You carefully set the tea pot back onto the stove and you lifted the tray with nimble fingers. The tea set wobbled with every step you took, further increasing Angie's worries.


Back in your bedroom, Toby and Dale sat at a small table surrounded by stuffed animals. Toby was playing with one of the animal's ears just as the door clicked open, making the pair look up.

"And tea, has been ser-woAH!" Toby rushed forwards just as the tray slipped from your hands and he caught it from the other side. You and Toby stared at the tea set with frozen hands, before letting out small sighs of relief. You then gave Toby a shaky grin. "Thanks." Toby chuckled and he carefully took the tray from you.

"No worries at all. You go make yourself comfortable while I serve the tea." Slightly disappointed, you sat down on one of the mini stools beside Dale and you kept your head low as Toby placed a tea cup in front of you. The tea set was made out of fine China, and although some of the cups had chips in them, it was still your favourite tea set.

With a careful hand, Toby poured some tea into your cup before moving onto Dale's cup. Dale immediately nabbed the milk and honey from the tray while you stirred a few sugars into your own tea. You then lifted the cup as delicately as you could and you breathed in the tea's aroma.

"Ahhh, this is nice. Bottoms up, everyone!" You exclaimed. Toby had just taken a sip of his cup when you said this, making him snort out almost a full mouthful of tea. He choked on the liquid and hurriedly grabbed a napkin from the table before blowing his nose into it.

"*cough* Y/n, I don't think that's what they say at tea parties." He rasped, still recovering. You stuck your lower lip into a pout whilst Dale patted him down on the back.

"Well, then what do they say? Since you're the expert." You mumbled. Toby shrugged his shoulders, putting you off even more.

"I don't know, I've never been to a tea party before." You brushed your finger over the cup's surface and stared into the cup with a delicate smile.

"Then we'll learn together." You carefully lifted the cup to your lips and you took a small sip out of it. The moment the hot liquid touched your tongue, you blanched at the horrible taste. "This tastes-" you looked up and saw Toby and Dale drinking their tea just fine. You then looked back down at your cup with a heavy frown on your face.

Behind you, the door slammed open and Jack came into the room and bellowed out to you all.

"Guys, when are you going to-" he stopped himself short when he saw the three of you seated around a small table surrounded by your stuffed animals, while drinking tea. Although you couldn't see it, Jack raised a curious brow at all of you. "Uh, am I interrupting something here?" You turned around in your seat and gave him a haughty nod.

"Why yes! We are currently in the middle of something." You spoke with a very posh accent. Dale could barely contain his giggles and Toby had to stop drinking his tea if he wanted to avoid choking again. Jack stood at the door almost silently as you took another sip of your tea. You then forced it down your throat and stuck your tongue out in disgust. "Bleh..."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17 ⏰

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