22| Explanations

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"Because of you, I know heaven without death"
- R. H. Sin


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"Where are you parents?" Ryder asked, looking around
"Business trip" I said simply
He didn't need to know the full truth of my... activities.

He looked at Marigold again, thinking for a moment whilst she stared wide eyed at us
"Is this why you wanted me to track her?" He asked
"What?" I said
"Mmm!" she mumbled under her tape, glaring at me again.

I sighed, throwing my own glare at Ryder
She didn't need to know that
"Yes" I gritted out reluctantly
"So... what are you going to do?" He asked
"Why do you think I rang you?" I seethed.

"Hey hey, alright man. I just... well I don't know what to do, I've never kidnapped anyone have I?" He chuckled
"It's not kidnap, we just... we have to talk about a few things, and in the meantime, I need her mom to think we're not here" I said.

"Alright, I uh... I can help if need be, get into her phone and stuff for you, but if this goes south..." he said, gesturing between me and her
"I am not taking any of the flack for it" he said
I nodded
"I need something else from you though" I said.

He looked at me waiting
"I need you to get into her room, pack some of her stuff and I'll tell her mom we went early" I said
"Break in to her house?" He asked, looking at her as she screamed again under the tape, eyes wide
"You don't have to break in, she has keys, and her mom's at work, just get in, get out and come back" I said, grabbing her house keys off the side board.

"Fine" he sighed
"But you owe me, a lot" he said
I nodded, trying to ignore Marigold's muffled screams
"I know, and not a word to anybody" I said
He nodded, giving one last fleeting glance to Marigold, before leaving.

I did owe him
But this was... tame compared to some of the things I've done for him and his uncle in the past
I was left in silence again
And I couldn't bare it, so I carefully took the tape off my flower.

"You okay?" I asked, she turned her face away from me
"You want something to drink?" I asked, she's been knocked out twice now and her lips look dry
She still didn't reply, so I went to get her some water.


Who did he think he was?
Planning my kidnap out right in front of me?
Tracking me?
Lying to my mother
"Here you go" he said, crouching down before me again, holding the glass up to my lips
I made no move to have any.

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