14| Yours

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"Oh what I would give to sleep in your arms tonight"

"Oh what I would give to sleep in your arms tonight"

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When I had got home, mom had given me one of the worst lectures ever.
Yelling at me about how worried she was and how none of my friends knew where I was.
I was thankful that Aella hadn't mentioned the fact that I was meeting Maddox.

Mom didn't like 'boys like him', so it was better to just not tell her at all.
Especially after he then went and cheated on me.

Her angry over the top ranting then quickly turned into worried smothering when I explained that I had met 'a friend' and I was mugged
That I had walked all the way back here and that Knox had let me sleep in their spare room.

I was embarrassed enough I was mugged and abandoned in the shitty part of town, I wasn't prepared to tell her I slept with Knox
She'd either give me a whole other lecture on safe sex or she'd invite him round and no doubt chase him away with her incessant mothering.

And I... I liked Knox. He was sweet.
And he didn't want me to leave. It was odd
With Maddox, it was like he was purely sex driven, sure we were friendly
But there was never a sense of love, it never felt like we were actually in a relationship
It felt more like we were just friends who fucked now and then.

But Knox... he was gentle and kind
He paid attention to me and looked at me like I was actually... beautiful.

And he'd even offered to find me a new phone, I had to use mom's to call Aella and calm her down
Explain what happened and assure her I was alright.

And when I'd finished and come back downstairs, dressed in sweats and slightly aching from the night before, I was met with the police sat in my living room
I told mom I didn't want to report it.
But clearly she never listens.

"Miss Moreau, your mother called and explained you were assaulted?" One of the officers inquired
I sighed, sitting on the couch opposite them and throwing a glaring glance at my mom
"Yeah, it's really not a big deal" I mumbled, pulling my sleeve down to fiddle with.

"Miss Moreau, I'm sure you've noticed the rising crime within this area, every crime must be reported or nothing will change" the female officer said softly to me
I nodded
I suppose she was right, even though it wasn't technically in this area.

I explained everything I could, the gun he had, where it had taken place, what he looked like... and they told me how they'd try and trace my phone, that hopefully it would lead them to whoever it was that held me at gun point.

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