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It seems so important
To reach the standard
That others have set
In the past
But why should I
Push the standards I have aside
For the goals people
That I don't know
Set before I was born
In a place I don't care about
In a society that has done nothing
But hurt me?

And as many people
That try to empower
There are just as many
Bringing us down
The haters
The media
The "normal" people

I will not fall down
Trying to jump
In hopes of reaching
Your stupid standards!

I will fall
Doing something worthwhile
Like climbing a mountain
Crossing a river
Being myself

Because why should I inflict pain
Upon my own life
Push aside everything I've ever learned
To become your second choice
Or your third or fourth or hundredth
When I could be perfect
In the eyes of those who matter?

Poetry for the Lost, the Broken, and the WoundedWhere stories live. Discover now