Chapter 62: A Gross Reality for the Undead

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I returned to the common room at the end of my classes in a foul mood, seething at the fact Potter won in potions. Since sixth years had fewer classes the common room had nearly no one in it which was a nice break. I needed to figure out how to keep my anger in check despite the fact I haven't eaten in several weeks. I threw my bag on the couch, ready to crash myself when the horrid shrill voice of Pansy cut through the air like a knife.

"What's with you and Astrid?"

"Not now, Parkinson," I growled. "I'm busy." The anger was boiling just beneath the surface of my skin. I feared the only thing that could subdue it now was to feed. The only reason I shifted back in potions was because of Astrid's voice. It calmed me.

"Obviously not as you were about to crash on the couch, so you're going to listen to me for once." She said forcefully. "Astrid says she ended things with you, but she is the one all depressed not you, what's up with that?"

"Look, I don't..."

"And." She cut me off. "She didn't even fang out when I cut myself at the opening feast." So it was Pansy's blood I smelt at the feast. I gripped the back of the couch, trying to control the anger inside me. "So what'd you do? Did you sleep with her?"

I was so focused on my breathing my brain had no extra energy to form a response. Sadness began to grow inside me as well at the thought of Astrid. We had something special despite all the hell we'd been through and it was all over because of me. Now we both have to deal with lewd comments from classmates on top of the impending war with the Dark Lord and Potter.

"Or did you try to force it? Ikari acts so angelically, that she's holy because she won't let a man touch her." I could hear Pansy step closer to me. "Ironic, isn't it, with her hands so soaked through with blood. So my guess is you tried to force it and she deemed you unworthy of her love."

"So what if it was!" I yelled and spun to face Pansy. She took a small step back in fear as I loomed over her. "I wanted more. She wouldn't give it." I hated talking as if our relationship troubles came down to a disagreement on sex, but it was a good cover. Better people think this was the way it ended than the school finding out Astrid turned me.

"If that's the case." Pansy snaked an arm around my neck and pressed herself closer to me. Her face was inches from mine. "I'm willing to give more. I'll give you anything you want." She leaned her face closer to mine. Close enough she could kiss me.

"You couldn't get a leper to shag you, you dimwitted cow," I whispered right in her face then tore her hand off my neck and pushed her away in disgust. Not going to lie, insulting her like that brought me a spark of joy. So did the tears that came with her unstable emotions.

"Ok, Parkinson it is time for you to leave," Crabbe said as he pushed Pansy out of the common room. Goyle stood in front of me protectively. These two were acting more like bodyguards every day, what was up with them?

"Malfoy we should go eat." Goyle said, his eyes still fixated on the common room door. I looked around, noticing the common room was deserted. Everyone was at dinner now, but I had no appetite, at least not for human food.

"What's with you two? That's twice now you've steered Pansy away from me?"

"Well.. you seem... stressed and.." Goyle mumbled looking over to Crabbe.

"And..well...we are trying to help since you're busy..." Crabbe rubbed his neck nervously. "So we should go eat. You have to feed." Crabbe realized the word was a mistake a moment too late. Feeding was a vampire term.

"Feed? You two know." I narrowed my gaze in their direction. "She told you, didn't she?"

"Well, she asked... More like threatened... us with the responsibility of keeping you alive.'' Goyle gazed at the ground, unwilling to look me in the eye.

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