🌹💋Chapter 8💋🌹

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Tim's Pov

Ok,so here's the plan,(y/n),Kim," "it's Tim." I say " Whatever Kim,so here's
the plan."

Something about Jd seems....off. Like he's a predator and (y/n),I,and our younger siblings are the prey.

I'm probably just overreacting,but I'm still going to protect (y/n). Just in case.

"It's not complicated,wear the hats,don't show your face,and if anyone asks you work here."

"Why should we pretend to work-"

"Be quiet Kim."

"Jd,just call him Tim,it's not that hard." (Y/n) says slightly annoyed. At least she's standing up for me.

"Whatever you say doll." Jd winks at (y/n),she looks at him grossed out.

I bite my tongue, even though (y/n) is as interested in him as a kid in math class it still kinda hurts.

"It's (y/n) to you." She says.

"Whatever doll,let's go."

I pick up Boss baby and (y/n) picks up Avery and we walk out.We put the hats on and start to slowly walk out.

It would be easy to leave,but the room that My parents are in has a big window that we need to cross to get to the elevators.

We all make our way across and I made the mistake of looking over. My Moms looking at me confused.

"(Y/n)!" I whisper yell. (Y/n) looks at the window and lip-sinks 'bathroom' and mom nods at her and looks back to whatever's happening in there.

Once we turn the corner we all pause and (y/n) lean on the wall seemingly angry. "Damn it,they saw us. You're lucky I saved us and said we're going to the bathroom. What's the next plan genius." (Y/n) stares at Jd.

"Plan B."

"What's plan B?" I ask.

"I'll tell you once we get back into the kids room. Since we're here we might as well go to the bathroom." Jd says walking in to the boys bathroom.

I set down boss baby. (Y/n) smiles at me and walks into the girls bathroom,i smile back a dumb goofy smile and walk into the boys bathroom.

(Blah blah blah Tim is now washing his hands and so is Jd)

"So,"I say trying to make conversation.

"Look,I get it you have a crush on (y/n)." He says,his voice flatter than ever.

"I-what do you-" he cuts me off.

"Don't play dumb,I see how you blush when she smiles,how you get more nervous when you're near her,and how you try and make her happy. But if you tell her that,you'll ruin the plan."

"Plan B?" I ask confused and scared.

"No not plan B damn it.So if you try anything,let's just say things won't end well. And don't try and tell (y/n) about this little chat,let's be real here. She won't believe you."Jd says wiping his hands off and walking out.

I stand there doing nothing trying to work out what just happened. Jd just threatened me and said something about a plan.

"Tim,are you ok? You've been in there for a while.

"Y-yeah I-I'm fine." I wipe my hands off and walk out to Jd and (y/n) talking.

We walk back to the kids room and Jd pulls the dress up box out of the way only to show a big vent.

"I think I have a screwdriver...." Jd says feeling around his pockets. He pulls out a screwdriver. Who has a screwdriver in their pants?

He starts opening up the vent.

"Wo wo wo. You're not thinking of us climbing in that,are you? Don't you think it would break?" (Y/n) says worriedly.

"Don't worry doll,I've gone in this like 100,000 times and it never broke." Jd says,the cover falling to the floor and him crawling in.

"(Y/n), if you're not ok tap your foot two times. Ok?" I whisper nervously.

"Ok,same to you. Somethings off with Jd. Tell me if you know anything."

I consider telling her about what he said in the bathroom but instead I just slowly get into the vent hoping that it won't break.

(Ps,I drew an eye,what do u think :)

(Ps,I drew an eye,what do u think :)

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Boss baby Tim x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now