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Chapter 4


It was Nova...

How? Why?

I didn't want to be here anymore I want to go home. Am I happy that I am here with her or should I be sad?

At this point I'm just frightened, trying to predict what is going to happen next. I heard her scream my name.


I should hate her, but I can't, she ruined me I thought about her 24/7 and now she's here screaming my name. I don't get it. Why is my life like this? What could I do to deserve this?

He grabbed me and told me to stand up, so I naturally did, he asked me once again if I was ready, to which I replied with the same answer


What did he mean?

Ready for what?

A thousand thoughts all came ravaging in at once. My heart was like a train pounding down the tracks. Is this how it ends? I guess there is nothing more dramatic than dying with your ex-fiancé.

I could hear two of them bring out a gun from behind me. I started to mentally prepare myself for my death but how can one prepare themselves for such a thing? However, it wasn't what I have been expecting not even close he stared, though it wasn't an ordinary stare, it is as if I were to be an alien of some sort, from another dimension. It made me start questioning myself wondering if there was something that he could see that I couldn't. The silence was interrogating, eating me alive.

They all left the room, leaving me with Nova alone. She started apologizing, but I was confused as to what she was apologizing for. I asked her what's going on and she didn't know, I began trying to calm her down telling her it will be fine but then she said something that I wish I never listened to. She told me with a shaky voice how they were talking about a contract. My heart sunk. I could not comprehend the thought. I didn't know what I should do or what to even look at, but my first instinct was to try to find a way out. I began biting the rope that tied my hands in hopes that it would snap. Just as the rope was finally going to break, they entered the room. All of them glared at me and my hands. My heart skipped a beat. My arms started shaking, I was anxious to get this over with, to just be free. He pulled out a gun, then said to me,

"This is because of you"

Without breaking eye contact, he pulled the trigger. I closed my eyes thinking that it would somehow ease the pain. I heard the gunshot. Flashbacks. So many flashbacks that a single sound recalled. My memory was like a never-ending movie on a CD. Endless as though someone hit rewind. I was surprised that I didn't feel any pain, not even a pinch. Well, that was because I wasn't the one who got shot.

I opened my eyes to see Nova take her last breath of air...

My mind went blank...

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