Chapter 4: First playdate

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That evening

Third person's POV

Entrance exam has finished and students started going home and wait for the results of their exam.

Meanwhile a certain green hair girl is sitting on a bench in a local playground while watching the other kids play. She has the black cat beside her sleeping while she reads a book peacefully when it was interrupted when it was snatched it from her.

"Hey that's mine! Give it back!" She whines trying to reach for her book.

The three boys laughed, the other one pushed her back to the bench, the other boy made fun of her hair while the man that has her book looking through it.

"What kind of book is this? It's looks like a nursery rhythm, hahahahaha." The men laughed at her.

She didn't mind being laughed at, she just want her book back so she could read again. She frowned and turned angry then the surrounding begin shaking. "H-hey kid, w-what are you doing, s-stop it." One of them asked her in fear.

"I said give me back my book." She stated.

The way she talks scares them to the back of their bone. Suddenly her quirk got canceled unexpectedly, the ground stopped shaking and her eyes changed from red to normal green. Her hair dropped down from floating, he confusedly looked up at the three horrified men.

"H-here take your damn book back just don't hurt us, please." The leader stuttered shoving the book to her chest then run off with his homies.

"Bye and thank you, cowards." She waved happily.

She dusted her clothes and sat back at the bench. "Are you okay?" She looked up and Eraser Head standing there looking down at her.

"Oh hi, Mr. Sleepyman! Yes, I'm perfectly fine!" She grinned.

The man annoyingly rolled his eyes and look down at the bench, there he saw his cat sleeping at beside her. "What are you even doing here, sir?" She heard her asked and look down.

"I came here to save my cat from you." He replied a little grumpy.

The teenager looks confused a little then looks back at the bench. "Oh you mean kitty, she's so cute, isn't she?"

Aizawa looked at her with a straight face. "Yeah, I know that because she's my cat."

She smiles at him then notices the pets he has with him behind. "Wow, their so cute! I read on the books that these dogs are deadly to people and their teethes are so harp like a knife." She explained showing her teeth to him pretending to be a dog.

"Yeah, they are." He coldly agreed.

Suddenly kids on the neighborhood started calling for her, telling her to play with them. "Hey mister, wait me here, okay? Don't go anywhere, I'll be back!" She said running off never gave a chance the man to talk.

"This is the worst day of life." He muttered sitting down the bench.

As he watched the teenager run around with the little kids tagging each other, he can't help but smile of how happy the girl is. He never felt like this before. The feeling of being happy seeing the girl smile and the feeling of annoyed everytime he saw her.

He pulled out his phone and decided to search her name in Facebook but it only say 'no name match found'. He tried in different social apps but none of them pop out a name she has.

He gave up on searching when Hizashi texted him asking where he is. He replied saying he is at a playground sitting at the bench. Hizashi text back laughing at him that why is he doing there. Aizawa didn't replied and threw his phone to the trashbin.

He sighed and look up to see the girl nowhere to be seen. He panicked and pick up his phone from the trashbin. He looked up again to see her their sitting on the ground with the kids surrounding her.

He sighed in relief and walk towards the children. The greenette look up at the man in glee, she jumped up and hugged him. "Mr. Sleepyman! You're here! Come on let's play tag!" She suggested tugging his arm.

"What?!" He yelled confusedly.

"Tag you're it!" One of the kids shout out touching his arm then all the kids begin running away.

"Hey, hey! Not fair!" He laughed and started chasing after the running children trying to tag one of them.

They started running around the whole playground, chasing each other and playing tag. The kids had a splendid time with the two teen but they thought he was a teen but no.

The kids enjoy tying both of their hairs with hair ties, clips, ribbons and some toy hair extensions. Izuku has a cute high pigtail with two red ribbons on it and cliped a pink (toy) hair extension while Shouta has two braids, a ribbon hair tie on it decorated with ten pink hair extensions and dumped with small flowers that the children picked from the ground. Along with some hair clips.

Izuku was having fun at her new hair style while the man on the other hand was crying for help in his mind screaming.

They heard the bell of the ice cream truck came and Shouta did the nice thing he done without thinking, he payed for the ice creams he bought for the children, he even bought one for him and for the girl. The children thanked him and started eating their ice creams while chatting.

Not long, the parents of the kids called out one by one for their kids to return home, once they were the only one whose left, the older man got thirsty and bought some water for them.

He came back from the playground to see the greenette patting her and his pet. He came and sat down beside her handing the water bottle to her, she gladly accepted it and drink it.

"Thank you for having some time playing with us, Mr. Sleepyman. You're so nice and kind!" She chirped.

The man grinned and started taking off the flowers and toy extensions off of his hair. "Wait, put it all here." She said pulling out her hands.

He looked at her weirdly but did it as he placed all the things that was on his hair to the girl's palms. When that was over, the greenette put it inside her bag and stand up.

"I better be going, my friends will be worried about me if I didn't mad eit home in time. By the way, this are my pets, Angel and Pearl." She introduces the ferret and a white cat.

"Oh so you have a pet ferret. That's cute." He smiled smiled as the ferret run towards him.

"She wasn't really mine. My boyfriend owned her but ever since hi and his died on a plane crash, I took her with me and since that time she's my pet now." She explained, the male felt bad for the teenager and pet the ferret's head.

"We'll I have to go now, bye Mr. Sleepyman!" She waved.

She called out for her pets and run to her, the ferret run to her shoulder while she carried the cat on her arms as she started fading away from the man'so vision until he can't see her anymore.

He stretches his arms up yawning and stand up. "Come on now, let's go home. And you little kitten, don't just come and sleep with random people that you don't know, you've never even done this before." He lectured the feline as he put on her collar sign the name Sesyl.

He picked up the leashes of his dogs and walk to a different path.


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