Chapter 6: The book

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Third person's POV

The little girl was sitting at the table reading a book she just found when a tired looking man sat in front of her.

He was organizing some books and writing something's on a piece of paper. She decided to shove it off and continue reading. After awhile, she started laughing a little because of the story she's reading.

"Aren't you too young to read that kind of story?" The man in front of her started raising his eyebrow.

The girl lower her book and stared at him. "Did you learn how to mind your own business at school?" The pink hair girl said raising her brow and crossing her arms.

"Aren't you too young to have an attitude of an 18 year old?"

"Do you know the word 'Shut up'?" The younger girl finishes annoyingly rolling her eyes.

Aizawa didn't answered back because he doesn't want to make the argument long and he wanted the girl to leave his sight.

"Samara!" A female's voice quietly rang out.

"I'M COMING, MOMMY!" She shouted back as loud as she can to annoyed the man.

"Goodbye, DAD!"

She left as fast as she can giggling after saying that. The man looked so confused, suddenly two women walk to him and stopped.

"Hey, is that your child who just yelled inside of the library just now?" One of the woman questioned him angrily.

He got more and more confused then realized what they're talking about. But he couldn't reply back when the other girl spoke.

"You are such an irresponsible father! You should teach her some manners than giving her an attitude of an 18 year old." The other girl scolded him.

As they left angry, he felt useless for not defending himself. It is because of how the girls scolded him or it is because of that little brat he called that calls him her "Dad".

He can feel his soul started leaving his body just right now when someone dragged his soul back to him. "Hey, you can't die right now. What's going on with you?" Midnight asked sitting right next to him.

"Let's just say I became a father without even fucking someone else yet." He replied before leaving, the two just shrugged their shoulders.

Meanwhile, the teenager was standing at the fantasy books aisle. "Samara, why did you yell? Didn't I told you not to because people might get mad at you here." She reminded the little girl who was lowering her head.

"I'm sorry, auntie. A guy over there just made me angry so I have to annoy him." She excused grinning at her.

She confusedly tilted her head. "Then why did you called me 'mommy'?"

"It was an accident. Hey, can I buy this book? It's so cool and mommy and daddy might love it if I read it to please." She pleaded.

"Oh, but dear you can't buy books here but you can borrow it. Come on let's go to miss Malieny, she'll help you." Said the greenette as she holds the little girl's and walked to the desk.

"Hello again you two, how may I help you?"

"Samara here wants to borrow a book, I supposed maybe she could get a borrowers card so she could borrow a book?" The greenette asked.

The librarian thought about a second and pulled out a small card. "I'll give you this card but I need your parents signature so I could give you this card. Once your parents signed their signature I can give you this card so you could borrow as many books as you want." Explained the librarian.

The little pleaded to her babysitter to call her parents, after a long time of pleading she give in.

"Hello Mrs. Ikisha, can I ask where you are now?"

"Oh, I'm here in the mall with Shikaru, why?"

"Can you come here at the library? It's just near the mall, Samara wants to borrow a book but to get a borrowers card it needs your permission signature . So can you please come for a bit? It'll only be a few minutes."

"Sure, we'll be there in few minutes. Goodbye."

After the conversation, she told the little girl that her parents agreed. The girl jumps in glee and started telling her that she'll read the book to her parents. While they were waiting at table and reading down at their book, three shadowy figures stopped in front of them.

The greenette looked up to see familiar faces, she gleam up and smiles at them. "Hi teachers! It's so good to see you again! How are you?" Asked the girl at the trios.

"We're fine, dear. We're just here because Aizawa of here is grumpy." Said Midnight crossing her arm and glaring at her friend.

The tired looking man glance at the greenette then to the little girl next to her who quickly stand up and hid behind her babysitter for protection.

"That girl you're babysitting, I guess. Got me in huge trouble awhile ago." He demanded pointing.

"Samara, what did you do?"

"It was his fault. He started it first, I just have talk back to annoy him." She explained pouting.

The man growled and was about to talk when someone spoke behind them. They looked to see two couples standing there confusedly.

"Mommy, daddy!" Said the little girl and run to her parents hugging them both.

"Mommy, this is the book I wanted to borrower. Can I borrow it please? I wanted to read it to you and daddy at home." She pleaded, her mother smiled agreeing and walk to the librarian.

"Say dear, Aizawa here wanted to give you something." Midnight started pushing him forward.

The greenette tilted her head looking at him blankly. He took his time to make a deep breath and pull out an envelope.

"Here. This is the result of your entrance exam." He said slightly blushing and looking away.

People around  them started whispering and taking pictures. The greenette didn't noticed them and smiled taking the envelope. "Thanks, Mr. Sleepyman!" She thanked.

"How about we go to mall? Mo gonna buy something there but I don't quite what it is. Oh, give me a minute, I'm just gonna borrow this book." She runs to the librarian and handed it to her.

"Oh, I remember this book. You and Thoren used to love reading this in my library. I can't help myself but to smile and laugh at your jokes and while reading. I can recall the times that both of you were so happy together. You never had a single fight and both of you have respect to one another." She smiled looking down at the book.

"It's a tragic to Thoren's sudden death but I know you can get through of that. This book is yours now. Beside no one care to borrow that book anymore, don't why." The librarian giggles at her thoughts.

"Are you sure?" Izuku questioned.

"I'm sure." Confirmed the librarian.

"Thank you so much, miss Malieny! Bye mr and mrs Ikisha, bye Samara!" She joyfully waved and left with the trio.


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