Chapter 3

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James' pov
"Come on" When Riley tells me to come into her house. I'm shocked, I've only known her for one day and she's already inviting me in "don't worry my sister is at school till about 5, my mom is out for the night, and my dad's working late tonight so you'll be fine" It's a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet someone who is willing to do that. I'm taking the chance and risk

"Okay" so I park the car and get out. She waits for me to get out and when I do, she grabs my arm and pulls me into her house, which she unlocked before coming to me. "So your ok with the whole, person you just met coming into your house" I say warily as I step in she nods "not worried At all?"

"Why? Should I be?"

"No" I followed her upto her bedroom and she close the door once I've entered

"If Emily comes in and she sees You're in here, she won't be very happy. the last one, I had known for 4 years and she saw me alone in the house with him she shouted at him, the last thing I remember of him was Emily telling him to get out and he was gone, he didn't show up again"

"I'm sorry Riley" I hardly know her but I feel like I can trust her so much and by the way she is opening up to me, makes me believe she feels the same

"You don't need to, it wasn't your fault and I've learnt to deal with it, it was for the best" she says sitting on her bed, I sit next to her. I feel a little bad,

"So why don't we do something, to take your mind off it" I lie down on her bed. Her eyes widen and I quickly sit up "I didn't-"

"I know I guessed that, it would take my mind of things though" she says smiling

"Really" I try to act cool about it but you can tell in my voice what I feel

"I'm kidding" I suddenly relax. She tensed me up a little "I just wanted to see you reaction" for the next 10 minutes we talk. She's such a great person to talk to, it feels like I can say anything to her, without it backfiring. I try not to be too personal about myself or her. I don't want to make it awkward.

"You know, you should come over to my house some time"

"I would love too"

"Do you have to like check with Eldon first though" I joke

"He won't go anywhere near going into my house, it's up to me what I want to do" she says confidently yet seriously. I hear a door shut

"Riley, are you in"

"She's not meant to be here yet" she whispers in a worried tone.

"Don't worry, I'll go through the window"

"Then hurry, you have about 30 seconds" she whispers

"Riley?" Her sister repeats

"I'm upstairs" Riley runs over and opens the door. I get out just as I see he sister come in her room. At least I made it out without being caught

Riley's pov
I wake up and I get ready for school when I'm leaving, I see James parked outside. So I walk up to him
"Excuse me, can I help you"

"Yeah, I'm driving you to school"

"Uh.... okay" I just let him have this so I get in the car. When I got to school James introduced me to some people who would also be in a lot of my classes Chloe, Giselle and Amber I think their names were. It was last lesson when I was walking out of school, James offered me a lift home at the start of the day but I turned it down. I just need some time to think and I really need to speak to my sister without him getting in he way. So when I reach home, I know Emily's already in, I told her I needed to speak to her so she told me she would wait

"Hey Em"

"What's up?" She asks me. for the longest I can remember. Whenever I had a problem I would always go to Emily, she's had a lot of life experience in a little time.

"I need to speak to you about boys" she lights up when hearing boys. It's her favourite thing to talk about.

"Okay so..."

"It's about eldon, for the last few days he's been acting strange towards me. He's being very nervous with me being around"

"If I was you Riley, I would leave him, just don't try with it and wait for him to realise you don't want to be treated that way and he would come to his senses." I nod at her response "but I gotta be somewhere, I'll be back in an hour and we'll finish off the conversation." She walks out

James pov
So I'm at Eldons house with the boys and a couple of girls. The girls worry me a little cos Riley told me she wasn't allowed to go to his house and he wouldn't go near hers. Speaking of Eldon he's been gone, so I decide to walk around. When I find him. He's with a blond girl... And I recognise her which isn't good
Note: New chapter update. Sorry for not updating my other book, I kinda lost the storyline and I don't know what to say happens next

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