Chapter 25

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A/N: above is a video off my YouTube, when you have time could you check out some of the videos off my channel? Thanks

Riley's POV
Me and James are sitting on my bed my hand is holding his. I don't wanna let it go. The next thing I know mine and James' lips are on each other's. I've been waiting for this for so long. How could I break away. Instead, I kiss back. My hand I released off his and are now on his face. I turn slightly And so does he so we end up opposite each other. His hands go onto my waist. He doesn't seem to breakaway either. But just for the record, he's a great kisser. After about 15 seconds we break apart. I don't think either of us wanted it to end which Is why it went in so long.

"as much as I would like to kiss you all night, I think we should get to sleep." He nods and I lay down and he does the same. Out faces are opposite each other. I smile at him and he returns it.
I wake up and James is still asleep. I quietly get out of bed. I go into the bathroom to have a wash, brush my teeth and all the usual stuff. I go into the room and he's still asleep. I get changed into my outfit for today. I don't really care James is in the room. He's asleep and facing the other way so he won't see. Once I'm ready he's still not up. I sit on the edge of the bed

"James you gotta get up for school" I say In his ear.

"I don't wanna" he say. Maybe this is gonna be harder than I thought. But I have my ways.

"I won't let you kiss me" I'm not expecting this to work but still might as well see his reaction

"Okay I'm up, I'm up" he says sitting up. I quickly rush out of the room closing my door behind my. I wasn't really expecting that to work but it got him up. About 10 minutes later he comes down ready. "Let's go babe"

"Don't call me that" I say following him out to his car. On the way to school. It's not awkward at all. We don't seem to talk about the kiss though. It's probably for the best though. It's probably gonna make things awkward. At break I go over to My locker where I find Amanda by hers.

"What are you so happy about" she asks me. I haven't really stopped smiling all day. Which I guess she's noticed.

"Just something that happened last night" I say. Not really mentioning what it is.

"Wasn't you with James last night?" She asks locking her locker. Then she realises "James."

"Me and James kissed" I say excitedly but I keep my voice down not wanting anyone else to hear. I tell Amanda cos she's the only person who hasn't told me that James is a player and I'm his next victim

"Well that does explain his strange behaviour. I saw it coming though. It's obvious he likes you"

"What? How do you mean"

"I've known James for a long time now. And when he's around you he acts different. The way he acts makes it obvious he likes you." when she says she can tell he likes me. I'm a little relieved. I was worried that they were right and he was a player. But now I'm kinda happy to hear that. "Speak of him" she whispers. James comes up behind me sneaking his arm on my waist.

"Meet me by the gates after school okay? Don't forget about what you said this morning" I'm assuming hes on about what i said when I was trying to get him up

"How could I? You won't let me forget" The bell rings

"I'll talk to you later" Amanda says and then walks away. And me and James go our next class
After school I meet James by the gates which is by where his car is and then he drives me over to this park or field. But its just us two right now. I hold his hand as were walking. And I feel his hand safely on mine.

"You owe me something remember" he reminds me, the next second my lips are upon his. It feels so comfortable kissing him, I don't know why but it just is

"Well I did"

"Well that might be the last for a while" he says, Im a little confused of what he means


"Riley, I really like you. But your dating my best friend, so technically your gonna be cheating on him," she looks down "if you weren't with Eldon it would be different, but your with him,"

"I know, I know, I'm sorry, I really like you too, tomorrow, I'm gonna dump Eldon" its gonna have to be dealt with sooner or later. But I want it done sooner.

A/N: What do you think if the new chapter? I may post another part today, if not I'll post it tomorrow.

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