Prologue-The Blood Moon Ritural

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A long time ago in an alternate universe...
                  ...An age existed, far beyond your own imagination, the events that are going to play out before us don't exist in your universe, instead the universe you are in now as a whole different series of events, the reason will not be explained in this story' for that's a story for another time. Just know, for all intents and purposes this story no longer exists and for now let us focus on the events of the alternate universe, I'm known simply, as the Author, the keeper of the Akashic records and the ancient knowledge of the universe flows through me, a blessing and sometimes a curse bestowed upon me by the All'maker.
     My soul is older than I wish to admit, I have lived many lifetimes and this is one of them, you see my brothers and sisters, my soul doesn't reside within my body as it does yours. Instead it exists upon the eleventh dimension as you and I exist in the third dimension and inside my body exists a spirit, an extension of my soul, of higher'self. I'm not the only extension of higher'self, you see upon coming back to the physical plan, higher'self, splits into twenty-four unique extensions and twelve of them are male and the other twelve female.
     Once upon a time my soul, which is higher'self, did exist upon the third dimension, a long, really long time ago and higher'self, existed physically as two aspects, who I call the zero incarnations, one was male and one was female. Upon meeting it became apparent that these two people were soul mates as they matched in frequency and like the great yin and yang, they completed each other. Then upon the event of their death they ascended for the first time up to the eleventh dimension and became one.
      What do we call beings such as myself, well in this universe they had completely different labels to what you call them in your universe and the labels you give to us are: ascended beings, multidimensional beings, light workers, angelic beings (although we are not angelic at all) twin flames and my personal favourite starseeds. All different labels, all meaning the exact same thing, although many of my kind will dispute that' it is true and there is nothing really special about us other than that we have returned to be of assistance, in spiritual growth, emotional growth and the awakening of ones own consciousness.
     Higher'self as a corporeal being was born on the planet Azurdenea, which doesn't exist in your universe. It's location is nine-hundred and fifteen light years from planet Earth, our name for Earth is Terra and Azurdenea orbits around a red giant named Haven and Haven orbits around a blue giant you name Mintaka, we name her Jovenstar and all are located in the Orion's Belt of the Orion constellation, I am the eleventh reincarnation of my soul and the story we are going to be focused on first will be the sixth incarnations.

Many thousands and thousands of years before the events of the story we will be focusing on, there was a time much different to the main story, it was a time when Azurdenea was very advanced in technology, they had even mastered space flight and had many allies across the Milky Way as you call it, they called the galaxy the River of Heaven.
Upon the continent of Atlantis, millions of people were gathered beneath a colossal white harvest moon, a lot of them were wounded, covered in blood and they looked like they were part of some great battle. They were and they won the battle, although these weren't all people some were vampiric and some were lycanthrope and they battled side by side against a common enemy, the army of the Slaads.
In the centre of the army on what looks to be the petrified remains of a gigantic tree stump there's stood a group of what looked like important people, "Damocles as failed," cried Maarika, she has just below shoulder length flowing blonde hair, grey eyes and she is wearing battle armour, they all looked to be preparing a ritual or something, "you can start the ritual," Maarika seemed to have some sort of telepathic and emotional connection with this Damocles, because he's nowhere in sight but yet she knew what he's doing.
Another character walked over to Maarika to comfort her and if I didn't know any better I would say the two were twins, they looked completely identical and although they weren't twins they both are in fact aspects of higher'self, Maarika being the first female incarnation and the other character who is named Marcella is in fact the sixth female incarnation of higher'self.
One of the characters you couldn't see his face, as his identity's top secret and only a few of them present know his true identity, for now they call him Traivas, "the alignment of the dimensions as began," Traivas whispered, the alignment of the dimensions happens every six thousand years upon the eve of a new millennium, the time now is about ten or more minutes before midnight on the 31st Skirophorion 2000 BBM, after midnight it will be the year 1999 BBM as at this time the years count count backwards to the breaking of the blood moon curse, which is what BBM means.
They all looked up into the sky and they saw out of nowhere some sort of circular disks of other planes of existence beginning to appear, from here they saw them as two dimensional, but on the other planes they were in fact three dimensional, some were even four dimensional, they were eight discs in total all moving in perfect alignment with each other. The ancient nordics who worshipped the Asgardians wrote about this event.
The eight dimensions that could be seen are as follows: the Nether which is the first dimension and a prison for the darkest of souls, the Underworld which is the second you know it as hell and it's a place for the sinful, our own dimension the physical plane which is also known as the third dimension although obviously it doesn't appear in the sky, the Astral plane or dreamscape is the fourth dimension and it literally is the place dreams are made of, the Avalon plane's the fifth dimension and it's a place where creatures of legend reside from dragons and so on, the sixth dimension's the virtual reality plane a dimension that exists inside computers and what not, the Faryal Illhum plane also known as the city of angels is the seventh dimension.
The Elder plane's the eighth dimension and it's were the Elder gods reside such as the house of Olympus, the house of Asgard, the house of Anu and so on, the ninth dimension's the Valhalla plane also known as heaven or Elysium. The rest of the dimensions couldn't be seen during the alignment as they exist outside our own prospective, the tenth dimension is the Outer plane a plane that binds all the others together and it also exists inside a mirror also the Asgardians have called it the world tree 'Yggdrasil', you know what the eleventh dimension is it's the Ascension plane which is a place for ascended beings and finally the twelfth dimension I call the All'maker plane and this flows through everything in the entire cosmos, every blade of grass, every tree and every animal, everything is touched by the All'maker.
     Another character began to speak now, he too is wearing battle armour and his name is Deathales, "we need to close the portal, to stop it getting through," he shouted as he pointed up to the dimensions, Deathales has long black hair, unwashed and not groomed, his armour is stained red from the bloodshed of the earlier battle, his eyes are dark green and he carried his long sword in his hand.
     The ritual required a lot of ingredients, the blood moon stone as it is nicknamed, a piece of the great elder bloom tree moulded into the shape of a dagger, it required a full harvest moon, an alignment of the dimensions, a pair of reincarnated beings, the first vampiric, the first lycanthrope, a powerful wizard who is master of all arts, two vampires and two wolves to sacrifice. All ingredients were accounted for, there was a cauldron in the middle of them all, although I don't know what's inside. Traivas turned to face the alignment and began the ritual.

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